Chapter 6- Allergic

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Jasey POV
I was sitting down at the kitchen island as daddy was cooking dinner. Things are back to normal. Everyone happy everything's fine. Well for the most part. You see. They haven't told the fans about e yet so I have been trapped in the house.
"Hey daddy?" I say.
"What's up princess?" He says turning and facing me.
"When will we tell the fans about me?" I ask.
"Oh crap I forgot about that! Go tell all uncles to tweet on twitter saying that were going to do a livestream in 20 minutes!" He says smile.
"Thanks!" I say.
I run off into the living room and stand right in front of the TV which they happen to be playing FIFA on, and place my arms out so the boys couldn't see past me.
"Hey! What are you doing princess!" Uncle Mikey says pausing his game.
"You got in our way." Uncle Cal says whining.
"Daddy told me to tell you to go and twitter on tweet that were doing a livestream in 2-0 minutes." I say holding up two fingers and a circle with my other hand.
"You mean Tweet on Twitter." Uncle Ashy says pulling me into his lap and tickling him.
"Bwhahaha! Close enough! Okay that's enough stopppp! Hahah. Do what daddy said to do!" I say shouting but laughing a the the same time.
"Okay." Uncle Ashy says placing me down.
Once he does I run back into the kitchen with daddy.
"All done!" I yell.
Which I guess startled him because he dropped the whole pan of food onto the kitchen floor.
"Dammit Jasey! Why would you jump me if you see I'm making lunch!" He says shouting turning off the stove top and picking up the mess he well i guess I made.
"Sorry!" I say.
"No Jasey! Sorry doesn't cut it! You have been acting up this past week and I'm sick of it! Your going to get into trouble if you don't smarten up!" He says snapping at me.
"I said I was sorry!" I say complaining.
"No! God dammit Jasey do you not listen to anything!" He says snapping at me again.
"I heard you Lucas I'm not deaf. Now god damn this!" I say sticking out my tongue and running up the stairs and slamming my door.

Luke's POV
I stood there completely shocked.
"Hey. What happened in here?" The boys say walking in to the mess that was still on the floor.
"Well Jasey jumped me and I dropped the pan of food everywhere. We shouted at each other and she ran up and slammed her door." I say.
"Well you clean this up and I'll set up the livestream and make her a sandwich." Ashton says. Picking up the computer off the counter and bringing it into the living. Only to shortly come back and make a sandwich to bring to Jasey.

Jasey POV.
I stormed I to my room slammed my door and flopped face down into my bed. Well that's until I heard a knock.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Its me Uncle Ashy. I brought you a sandwich." He says.
"Come in." I replied.
He entered my room and sat on my bed.
"Hey sit up and look at me please." He says.
I sit up and look at him.
"Daddy is going through a hard time right now. I know you may think that he's okay cause he smiles and laughs sometimes but he's just having a little hard time. Maybe instead of giving him a harder time just smile and say okay. Just work on that okay?" He asks.
"Yes uncle ash I will." I say.
"Okay thanks princess. Here I made you a sandwich eat up then come down stairs." He says.
"Okay. Thanks." I say hugging him as he leaves my room.
I sit down on my bed and eat part of the sandwich Uncle Ashy had made me. That's when I started feeling not to good. I put my sandwich of to the side and laid down hoping that the sickness would go away.
It didn't it came out worse.
"Help!" I try to scream out but no noise comes out.
I slowly feel it harder to breath. Black dots start to cover my vision. Then I let darkness take me over.

Luke's POV
"Okay she's eating her sandwich then she will be down." Ashton's says coming down from the stairs.
"Okay. Thanks Ash. Things have just been stressful." I say my voice cracking slightly.
"Hey Luke. Its all good. I've got your back. I know its hard without family. But you got Jasey and us boys. I promise it will be okay." I say patting his back.
"Okay. Well I think we should go live stream." I say clapping my hands together.
Calum, Michael, And Ashton run into the living room. Myself shortly following behind them.
So we start up the livestream and tell them about tour and our families and do some funny stuff. But then comes the serious moment where everyone finds out about. Jasey.
"Okay guys. So this is serious. We would like to tell you guys something. Well is boys love each other like family. And we just felt like something was missing. So we decided to adopt a young girl names Jasey, her full name is Jasey Koa- Maire Hemmings. So yes that means I am the legal father. And we love her so much so please don't hate on her! Shes such a joy to us! Calum go get her!" I say smiling.
Calum rums up the stairs while we wait.
"LUKE!" Calum screams.
"WHAT?" I yell back.
"END THE LIVE STREAM NOW!" Calum says running down the stairs.
"What why?" I ask.
"Just do it! Hey fans promise we'll do a live stream soon we love you! Bye!" Calum says clicking out of the live stream.
"Calum! They were going to met Jasey!" I say.
He starts running back up the stairs and returns with Jasey in his arms.
"Ashton start the car! Mikey and Luke get shoes on let's go!" He says shouting.
"Calum stop! What are you talking about!" I ask.
"She's not breathing. Let's go now! Fucking god." He yells running out of the house with the boys followed behind him.
I didn't even think about shoes. I jumped in the car as we speed off to the hospital...... My little girls not breathing.

(A/N) IM DEAD OMG IT WAS HARD WRITING THIS! Anyways I hope you guys are all good. Love all you beautiful people

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