Chapter Seven- Hospital Time.

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Luke's POV
We pulled up to the hospital and at that point I had jumped out and grabbed Jasey from Calums arms and ran into the front of the ER with her lifeless looking body into my arms. The doors swung open and I ran inside.
"Please help me! My daughter she's not breathing!!!!!" I shouted.
All the nurses that werent busy stopped doing everything and grabbed a gurney as I placed her onto it they quickly checked her pulse!
"Its a 22-11!!! Young girl not breathing no pulse get her into room 256!" The nurse shouted as they rushed her away.
I tried to follow but was help back by a nurse.
"Sir you must stay here!" They said.
"That's my daughter! Let me go!" I shout.
"Sir I know that's your daughter and it's such a tragic that this has happened but you need to stay out so we can get her breathing again! No please sir go sit down!" They said pointing to an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room.
"Her names Jasey. Jasey Maire Hemmings." I say walking into the waiting room.
The boys finally made there way in and saw me. The ran over to me.
"Is she okay?!?" They ask.
"There was no..... There was no..." I start to say but I couldn't find the guts in me to tell them cause I know I would break down crying.
"There was no what Luke!!" They ask.
"There was no pulse!" I scream out and just break down.
I start sobbing really loud uncontrollably.
"God dammit Luke! This is all my fucking fault!" Ashton says punching the wall then running out of the hospital.
I look at Calum and Mikey and Calum has very red eyes and a few tears on his cheeks. Mikey is completly sobbing but he is quitely.
"Jasey Hemmings!" One of the nurses called out.
"Right here!" Us three boys yell out.
"Okay so we have got her breathing again. But her pulse is really low. And she's on life support. We have no clue if she will make it through out the night. And if she does Its to soon to tell if she has slippen into a coma due to not breathing for a long period of time. Oh and her reason for not breathing was correct. It was due to allergic reaction and the allergic reaction would be peanuts. So from now on you going to have to pay attention to allergies." The nurse says.
"Can we see her?" I ask.
"Yup room 256." She says.
I walk down the hall awhile.
253, 254, 255, 256 there it is.
I pushed open the door and there was nothing that could prepare any father to walking in on his little baby strapped up to all the wires and tubes and IVs in her arms. I couldn't handle it.
I grabbed the trash can and ended up emptying my stomach into the bucket. Once I was done I looked up and just couldn't do it. I started bawling my eyes out. My little princess was hooked up to so many machines.
I walked up and places my hand on top of hers. I just spoke. I spoke as if she was there listening to me now.
"Jasey. My little princess. I love you so much! So fucken much! Now I know if I would've said that while you were a wake you and Invle Ashy would probably yell at me not to swear. But your not. And its my fault. I yelled at you. You stormed up to your room. Which in result Ashy made you a sandwich for lunch which had peanut butter on it. Which lead us to this mess. I'm so sorry baby. I realy am. Your my little princess and I got you into this mess. But Jasey. Please Jasey wake up baby. We miss you and Uncle Ashy thinks this is all his fault. You Dont want Uncle Ashy turn in to his worst enemy again do you? Please wake up princess we love you." I say kissing her hand and pulling mine away from her.
I take one look at her and that's when my ears are filled with a deathly ringing noise. I look over and the heart beat monitor has gone flat. My baby! My princess! My everything!!!!!

A-N I'm crying just writing this!!! Anyways love all you beautiful people

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