Chapter Nine- 2.

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Jaseys POV.
Its been Two. Two years since I last saw my family. I'm now 7 years old.
I miss my family so much. Now your probably wondering who got me? Yeah. It was my uncle. He yells and hits me all the time. He touches me in places. Its not fun. I always scream for Luke hoping some one would hear me and find me and take me away from this nasty place. I just hope one day daddy will find me and get me out of here.

Luke's POV
Two years! Two years since our princess has gone missing! We all miss her so much. She should be 7 now. I'm now 20 and not a day goes by where I hope I'm going to get a call saying they had found her. Mikey has turned to ignoring everyone. Calum has turned to drinks and bring home girls for sex then just leaving them the next day. Ashton hasn't been eating properly. And me. I haven't been me. I don't do my hair or care for my lip ring. I don't eat. I barley leave my room. And now we have a tour coming up! I don't know what us boys are going to do. The fans ask where she is. And we have to explain and they always tell us they will keep there eyes open. I'm just ready for my princess to come home.
I was cut off by a knock on my door.
"Hey Luke?" It was Calum.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm going to pick up pizza. I'll be back." He says.
"Okay." I simply said.

Calums POV
Okay we haven't been normal in a while. We all miss Jasey but we have a tour coming up. We have to get ready. I figured I'll get pizza and maybe well talk during dinner tonight about the tour.
I walked out of the door and started walking towards the pizza parlor. I wasn't going to drive. I needed a walk.

Jasey POV
"DONT YOU MOVE I WILL BE BACK!" My uncle says slapping my face and walking out.
Today's the day I get out.
Once I hear the car pull away I grab the hair clip I found on the floor and picked the lock. It opened. I almost started crying from tears of joy.
I get down the stairs and open the door. I'm free! I start running down the street until I hear a yell.
"JASEY GET BACK HERE!" Says my uncle.
Oh no he came back! I couldn't go back now. It would be the worst beating ever. I don't look back I just keep running.
I turn the corner and see a guy with a birdy tattoo crossing the street. I look at his fave and sure enough its uncle Cal.
"UNCLE CAL!" I scream out.

Calums POV
I was crossing the street when I heard someone yell out Uncle Cal.
I turn around and sure enough there was a little girl running straight towards me. I didn't really know who it was. I look closer at the blonde hair and her outfit.
Thats the outfit Jasey was wearing when she disappeared. The little girl gets closer and then I see there was a man chasing her and getting closer. She starts to cross the street. That's. No way. My eyes have to be playing tricks on me. Jasey?
"JASEY?" I scream out crouching down to her and open my arms as she runs straight into them.
"JASEY!" I scream picking her up and spinning her around.
"This isn't over!" Screams the man running away.
"UNCLE CALUM! She shouts hugging me back.
"Hi. Omg hi princess. I promise I will never let go. No one will ever get you again. I'm so sorry." I say hugging her.
"Omg! Daddy's going to flip! He'll be so happy!" I say.
"Then let's get home." She says hugging me again.
I place her down but she clings to my leg again.
"No! Don't let go!" She said.
I picked her up and started back to the 5sos house completely forgetting about pizza.

Jasey POV
We got back to the 5sos house but no one was to be seen.
"There just in the rooms. Well get you a shower and put you in a clean outfit and surprise them okay?" Uncle Cal asks.
I nod my head and follow him up the stairs. He starts the bath as I get in. He leaves to go find an outfit. He comes back with skinny jeans and a black tee shirt.
"These are the clothes from when you were 5 you seem sorta small so those should fit you." He says.
"Okay now let's get me cleaned up cause I wanna see daddy!" I say excitedly.
"Okay." He says laughing.
He cleans my hair as I clean my body and my arms and legs. Once were down I get out and he wraps a towel around me.
"Look at the bath water its almost black!" Calum says shocked.
"I don't even remember the last time I got clean." I said.
"Okay let's get dress. I'll do you hair then we can surprise the boys." He says.
He hold out my bottoms as I slide my legs into. He buttons them then grabs the shirt. He places it on my head.
"Omg where Jasey!" He says laughing.
"Uhhh right here uncle cal!" I say laughing.
He pulls the short over my head as I slid my arms in. He pulls it down rest of the way. They fit perfect.
"Okay sit here while I do your hair." He sits me down on the counter of the sink and starts combing my hair. He splits it into half and puts it into piggy tails.
"Okay all done. Now are you ready?" He asks.
"Yes! I'm really really ready!" I says.
"Okay." He says smiling.
"Thanks Uncle Cal." I say hugging him.
"Anytime princess its great to have you back home in our arms." He says.
"Now let's go surprise uncles and daddy!" He says.
I just smile really big and nod my head.

A-N SHES BACK!! YAYYY! Anyways comment what you think.
Love all you beautiful people

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