Chapter Two- Again.

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Jasey aka bunny's POV
*1 year later*
So here I am. 5 years old and still at the orphanage I bet you thought Luke, Calum, Michael, And Ashton was going to adopt me. Well so did I until they went to go say they wanted me and none of them had a birth certificate. So I'm stuck here still....
"Common Bunny we gotta get you down stairs there people here to adopt and there looking for ages 4-6! This could be your shot again." Zach says.
Zach's now 16 he told me once he turns 19 if I'm not adopted then he will adopt me. He will become my new family. Anyways he walks over and grabs my hand.
"Is it mean men?" I ask.
He crouches down next to me.
"Listen. There are men. But I promise that nothing will happen. I'm sure there not mean men. I'll hold you the whole time okay?" He asks.
I just lightly shake my head as he picks me up and carries me down the stairs to the lobby where there are many other girls lined up.
I hear the front door open and a few set of footsteps walk in. I hear them say they wanted to go to the front of the line. I was in the back. Once I hear that they made it to the front of the line I look over at them.
One guy with bright red hair, one with blonde hair, one with curly brown hair, and one with a birdy tattoo. I know them!
"Zach put me down." I shout in his ear as I wiggle freely from him. He quickly drops me as I run up to the 4 men.

Lukes POV.
Yeah how stupid can we get. The first time we went to the orphanage we forgot our birth certificates. Now I know you maybe wondering. Hey! You could have gotten them and gone back! No. Our manager pushed us out the door and onto the Gus bus. All 4 of us felt so bad. We liked Jasey. I felt bad to see the tears run down her face as we left without her. But today were back from tour and looking for a girl. Considering we all know Jasey probably got adopted cause she's so cute.
As we enter the orphanage we walk to the front of the line to look at all these poor kids. I really wish we could help them all. But sadly we can't. As I'm looking I hear a little girl shout. I'm not really paying attention. Until I hear tiny footsteps run closer to us and I feel tiny arms wrap around my leg. I look down and the small little girl and smile.
"Hi Jasey." We all say with big smiles on our faces as I crouch down and pick her up.
She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck.
"Hi Lukey, Cal-pal, Mikey, and Ashy. I missed you." She says.
I can feel her smiling into my neck. I smile and rub her back for a few minutes until she pulls away. She pulls away and smiles a big smile at us.
"Were the nice lady that owns this place?" I ask her.
She points towards the door by the stairs. I smile and walk into the room with Jasey on my hip and the other 3 boys following right behind us. Once we get into the office I say just a few simple words that changed this little girls life forever.

Jaseys POV
"Hi Miss. We would like to take Jasey home to be our daughter." I heard Luke say.
I look at him and the boys with a big smile as they easily return it.
"Birth certificates this time boys?" She ask smaking on her bubble gum.
Luke hands over 4 pieces of paper.
"Okay okay. Uhhh. Last name?" She's asks.
Before the boys even say anything I but in.
"Well I love you all and I really want all of you guys to be my dad but my last name would be to long. So I want to change my middle name also. But not like your last names I want Luke's last name as my last name and then you three boys pick a middle name?" I ask.
Then I look at Luke and whisper in his ear while the boys try to deside my new middle name. "Whats your last name?" I ask.
"So I'm you dad then? So you want your name to be Jasey Hemmings?" He asks.
"Yup." I say popping the p.
"Okay Hemmings." He says smiling.
"My last name is Hemrings. Jasey Hemrings." I say smiling at the lady.
"Haha no. Not hemrings. Hemmings." He says smiling at the lady as she types in the information to the computer.
"Okay middle name?" She asks the boys.
"Koa-Marie. After my sister. But also keeping her middle name." Calum says as the other boys nod.
"Okay. Jasey Koa-Marie Hemmings. Go pack your bags. Your heading home." Says the lady passing my new dad the birth certificate.
"That won't be needed we will be going out and buying her everything she will need and want." Michael says butting in.
We smile and say thanks as we all walk out.
"Wait! Can you put me down for one moment?" I yell.
Luke places me down as I run to go find Zach. I look into the room to see Zach and two adults. A mommy and a daddy.
"Zachy?" I ask.
"Bunny! Meet my new mummy and daddy! They adopted me today!" He says smiling.
I smile at him and hug his leg. He crouchs down and picks me up.
"I love you bunny. Very very much. I'm so proud of you getting adopted! So I want you to have something." He says with me on his hip as he searches through his bag.
He pulls out cuddlebuddie. That's what he called his stuffed animal tiger that his mummie and daddie gave him before they got in a car accident.
"Take good care of him. Okay?" He says handing me cuddlebuddie.
I nod and kiss his cheek. He sets me down.
"Goodbye Bunny. And stay out of trouble I love you." He says wiping his tears.
"I love you to Zachy." I say wiping my tears also.
He holds down his hand as I slap my hand down on it to give him a high five.
"Oh Mrs. And Mr. Please take care of Zachy. I love him a lot." I say smiling.
They smile at me as I run out of the door and into my new family's arms. Luke picks me up.
Zach and his family walks out
"Take care of her for me. She means a lot to me." Zachy says.
"Always." Luke says kissing my cheek.
Zach smiles waves one last time and walks out of the front door with his new family.
"Let's get you home and get some dinner. And go to bed. We will go shopping for you tomorrow." Luke says.
I nod and place my head on his shoulder as he walks out of the orphanage the one I never have to see again.

(A/N- AWWHHH THE FEELS! Anyways I hope you enjoy it and comment what you think! Love all you beautiful people!

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