Chapter Three-Home!

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Luke's POV.
We sat Jasey in the car in the new car seat we bought her and buckle her in.
"Daddy?" She asks.
I smile knowing that's me. "Yes Jas?" I ask using my new nickname for her.
"So your my new daddy and there my new uncles. That means I'm coming to your house which means its going to be my new house right?" She asks.
"Of course princess." I say kissing her forehead.
I climb into the passenger seat and Ashton hops into the front. Calum and Michael on the other sides of Jasey.
A few minutes into the ride the song "Strings" by Shawn Mendes starts to play as I sing along.
After about ten minutes in the car I hear the softest littlest snore ever. I look back and sure enough Jasey is peacefully asleep in her car seat. I smile at her and face front again.
---------Skip Car Ride------
We were now pulling up to the house and Jasey is still asleep. I smile and get out of the car. Michael and Ashton hop out.
"Hey Jas. Get up princess were home." I say shaking her lightly.
She opened her eyes slightly and shuts them again. She rubs them and yawns.
"Bring me in?" She asks making grabby hands with her eyes still closed.
I laugh lightly and grab her from her car seat. She places her head on my shoulder as I close the car door and lock the doors while heading inside. I step inside and close the door. I kick my shoes off by the door and walk in. I place Jasey on the couch as she's seems to be sleeping again. I chuckle lightly and walk into the kitchen where the rest of the boys were.
"Hey you do an amazing job with her Lucifer." I hear Mikey say coming up and patting my back.
"Agreed." Ashton's says.
"Same." Calum says.
"What do you guys think of her?" I ask.
"I think she's a sweet little girl. She may be shy at first but she will be alright. Hopefully we don't kill her within the first month." Calum says taking a bite out of an apple.
"I've loved her since we first met her a year ago." Michael says.
"Yeah same I was so sad to leave her." Ashton says.
"Yeah. We all were." Calum says.
"Daddy!" I heard a shout from in the living room.
I jumped up out of my seat and ran into the living room.
"Hey I'm right here. Calm down." I say to Jasey.
She looked up at me with tears. "I thought you left me." She says.
"Of course not princess. I love you to much! We all love you!" I say hugging her.
She instantly hugs back.
"Hey its 5:20pm. You want some dinner?" I ask.
She nods. I scoop her up in my arms as she giggles. I place her on the counter in the kitchen were the boys were all still hanging out.
"Hey! Look who decided to join!" Ashton says.
"Hey sleeping beauty." Mikey says.
She just smiles and stretches.
"What do you want for dinner?" I ask.
"PIZZA!" Jasey and Michael yell at the same time.
We all break out into a fit of laughter.
"Hahaha your for sure my niece." Mikey says ruffling up her hair.
"Okay Calum you order 2 cheeses and 2 Pepperoni. I'll share mine with Jasey." Ashton says.
Calum nods and walks off into the other room to order food.

Jaseys POV.
"Uncle Ashy?" I say.
"Yes princess?" He says.
"Do you think that I could watch TV?" I ask.
"Of course common." He says sweeping me off of the counter and drops me down on the couch with a little *thud*.
"Whatta you wanna watch?" He asks.
"Anything funny!" I say shouting.
"How about Dora The Explora?" He asks.
"Uncle Ashy... Do I look 4?! Put on some AFV!" I say using my sassy voice.
"Hey watch that tone with me missy." He says giggling.
"Sorry." I say smiling innocently.
He just laughs and put on some AFV.
-------After one episode-------
"Princess!" I hear daddy yell.
"Coming!" I say hopping off of the couch and into the kitchen
"Dinners here." He says.
I sit down next to uncle Mikey and Ashy. Ashy passes me over a piece if pizza.
"Thanks you." I say.
"Good manners! And no problem." He says.
----After dinner cause I'm to lazy------
Once we all finish eating we made our way into the living room and started watching the movie 'Wall-E'.
-----after wall-e-------
Once the movie finished I felt really tired.
"What time is it daddy?" I ask.
"Its 9:30! Time for your bed time!" He says.
He scoops me up off the couch and holds me in his arms upside down.
"Say goodnight." Daddy says.
"Goodnight Uncle Cal-poop. Goodnight uncle Ash-turd. Goodnight uncle Mikey-Poo." I say my 5 year old brain getting the best of me.
"Hey!" They all shout.
Luke just looks at them and starts laughing.
"Take that back!" Mikey says starting to tickle me while I'm still upside down.
"Hahaha okay hahaha okay I take that back!" I say as he stops tickling me.
"Goodnight princess we love you." Ashton's says.
"Love you." Cal and Mikey says at the same time.
I giggle as Luke flips me back up right and starts to carry me up the stairs.
He hands me a long tee shirt to change into and leaves the room. I get changed and call him in.

Luke's POV.
"Goodnight princess I love you. Sleep tight." I say tucking her into my bed since her room isnt done just yet.
"Goodnight daddy." She says crawling out really fast hugging around my neck and kissing my cheek.
She lays back down and I kiss her forehead one more time. Just as I was walking out of the room she called out to me.
"Daddy! Wait!"
"Yes princess?" I ask.
"Well I heard you singing in the car today. Will you sing to me! Your really good!" She says.
I smile at her.
"Which song?" I ask.
"Uhhh. Kids in Love. By that guy. Zach would always sing that to me." She says.
I take a deep breath and think. Maybe by Shawn Mendes? I take a deep breath in and start to sing.
"I know that we just met,
And maybe this is dumb
But there feels like were was
Something from the first moment
That we touched." I start to sing out to her.
I finish up the song and look over at her to see her sound asleep.
"Goodnight princess. Daddy loves you with all his heart." I say kissing her forehead one last time.
I turn off the desk lamp and turn on the night light. Yes I have a night light in my room! Judge me! Anyways I turn that on and walk out and close the door. I sigh and rub my face.
What an eventful day this has been but its one of the days I wouldn't change for the world..

(A/N- awwwwh! How cute! Hope you guys like it! Comment what you think! Love all you beautiful people.

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