Chapter Eight- Fun Castle

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Jasey POV
We all jumped into the car and headed to the mall. The whole way screaming out One Direction Lyrics.
*****at the mall*****
"Okay Jasey we buy clothes for you first. Then we go to Family Fun Time. And of you see anything along the way you want let us know and we will probably get it for you." Daddy says.
First we walk into a store called Justice. Then Hot topic for the boys. The Pacsun and many other stores.
"Okay I think that's enough. Holy cow." Luke says.
All the boys are carrying tons of bags each.
"You didn't by anything to play with princess." Uncle Mikey points out.
"Well because is dont know. I just didn't want anything." I say shrugging.
"Okay princess we can go to Family Fun Time now." Daddy said.
"Yay!" I say.
We walk to the end of the mall and the boys gave all the bags to Uncle Mikey and Uncle Cal as they bring them out to the car.
We open the door and walk in.
There's a huge castle and a hug ball pit!
"THIS SO AMAZING!" I say running in.
"Hey! Wait a second!" Luke says picking me up and spinning me around.
"Put this on please." Says a nice lady behind the desk giving me a little bracelet.
"Okay you can go play now and Uncles and Daddy will be right over here." They say pointing to the table by the window.
"Okay! Bye!" I say running off to play in the play castle.

Lukes POV.
"Ash..." I start to say.
"Luke please. I can't. I will relapse. Please just if I promise never ever to do it again and you boys can even check my wrists. Then please let's not talk about this." He says shaking his head and looking at the table in shame.
"Okay." I say dropping the subject.
"Wanna order some pizza from this place?" I asked.
"Sure get two pizzas and 5 slushies." Mikey and Cal say walking in.

***after ordering food and getting it***
"Okay Mikey go find Jasey while I serve the pizza." I say.
He nods and head of into the Family Fun Time castle.
"Here you go." I say handing pizza to Calum then Ashton and dishing some out for Jasey and Michael and myself.
"Luke!" Michael comes out full of breath.
"Okay good your back. Where Jasey?" I ask.
"Luke! She's no where to be found." He says.
I push myself up from the table and run towards the play castle and making sure I don't run into any little children.
"Jasey!" I shout.
There was no answer.
"Jasey if you hear me don't play around! Come down here right now!" I shout again.
I waited a minute and there was no respond.
I rush up to the front desk.
"Hi! I had let my little girl play in the Castle house thingy and now she's no where to be found can I get some help finding her?" I ask.
"Of course what's her name we can call it out over the intercom." They say.
"Jasey Hemmings." I say.
"Jasey Hemmings. You dad is looking for you. Please go to him." They say.
"Okay thanks!" I say walking back to the table.

Jasey POV
I heard the intercom go off about how daddy was looking for me.
But just as I was running to go find him I was snatched up.
"Put me down!" I shout.
Then I feel a hand placed over my hand.
"Mhhhmmm mhmmm mhmm." All my screams and pleads came out as just a muffled screams.
I then felt a cloth go over my nose and mouth. Shortly after breathing in the substance from the cloth I had blacked out.

Luke's POV
"She still isn't back do you have any video cameras or something we could watch to see if she left this room or something?" I ask.
"Yeah follow me." The lady behind the counter said.
They brought me to the little room off of the whole place and let me watched the video cameras.
"Right there! That's her! But I don't know who that man is!" I shout pausing the video.
"Okay we can contact the cops and get you help on finding your daughter right away!" Said the lady calling the cops.
I ran out to the boys .
"Guys. Jasey! She's been taken by a man!" I yell.
They all stop eating and Calum and Mikey choke in there drinks
"What!" They shout.
"Let's go we have to go to the police station!" I shout and run out of Family Fun Time with the boys following just a few feet behind me.
This isn't Fun and This isn't a Family with out Jasey. So much for Family Fun Time..

(A/N) Who do you think the man was??? Anyways love all you beautiful people!

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