Chapter 4- Big Family Tragic

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Jaseys pov
I shot outta bed from a tiny nightmare. Nothing to bad. I look over at the clock. 2:19. Whatever that means. I'll tell you what. Sometimes my 5 year old brain gets annoying. I jump out of bed and open the door. I just couldn't fall asleep. I look out and see no one around. I walk out and down the stairs.
"Daddy?" I ask walking into the living room.
There he was sleeping in the couch with no blanket just a pillow. I sighed and climbed back up the stairs. I grabbed the comforter and a smaller blanket and one pillow. I tossed them down the stairs as I trudged slowly behind them. I get to the bottom and pick them up.
I walk back into the living room where daddy was still sleeping. I place one end of the blanket at the bottom of his feet and the other one all the way up to his shoulder. Once he was all tucked in, I placed the pillow on the floor and covered up with the blanket. I closed my eyes and let darkness take me over once again...

Luke's POV
I woke up due to the sun rolling in through the windows straight to my face. I sat up and realized someone hand gotten me a blanket last night. I went to stand up when my feet came to a stop by a small body on the floor. I lifted me feet up once note and looked down. Oh Jasey. I laughed and stood up carefully around her. I picked her up and placed her on the couch. I then walked over and closed the shade so the sun wouldn't beem in on her face.
I walked into the kicthen and see a sleepy Calum.
"Hey Cal." I say.
He doesn't say anything but sniffles his nose.
"Calum? Are you. Are you crying?" I ask.
I walk around and get a better look at him. Sure enough tears were rolling down his face. They looked like they would never come to a stop.
"Calum what's the matter!" I whisper shout.
"I-I don't know h-how to t-tell you g-guys this." He says.
I feel knots in my stomach start to turn.
"Tell us what Calum??! What happened Calum!" I ask urgently this time.
"There gone! All of them!" He shouts and breaks down again.
"What? Who's gone?!" I shout back.
"All of our family! Everyone was on the plane to come suprise us! The plane crashed Luke! Everyone's gone. Ashton's, Michaels, Mine, Yours! There all gone." He says screaming to the top of his lungs and breaking down again and running in to his room.
My whole world stops. What? Mums gone? Everyone? Gone? I feel my chest getting tighter. I soon can't breath. I fall down to my knees. Soon black dots are covering my vision. Just before I'm about to black out I hear a simple word that pulls me back out of the darkness.
"Daddy!" I heard Jasey scream.
I look up and she's running over to my side.
"Daddy! No! Keep your eyes open!" She shouts at me.
She runs over to the self's and pulls down a cup from one of them. Then she zooms off into the bathroom. After a minute she comes back with a cup of water.
"Daddy. Drink this please and breath!!" She says frantically.
I couldn't find the strength to reach up and grab in. She kneels down besides me and wiles my tears that slowly start to fall freely down my face.
"Uncle Mikey! Uncle Ash! Uncle Cal! Help me!" She scream to the top of her lungs as tears start to roll down hers.
I look at her one more time as my eyes close.

Jasey POV
"Uncle Mikey! Uncle Ash! Uncle Cal! Help me!" I scream as loud as I can as the tears roll down my face.
I look back at him as he looks at me one more time and his eyes close.
"HELP ME!" I scream one last time.
I hear foot step running down the stairs and into the kitchen
"What happened!" Ashton yells and picks me up.
"I-I-I don't know." I say sobbing into his shoulder.
He passes me of to Mikey and Mikey brings me back up into his room.
"Stay here. Do whatever you like. I'll be back!" He says putting me down on the bed and running out of the room.

Ashtons POV
I pass her off to Mikey and kneel down next to Luke.
"Common Luke. Get up!" I scream shaking him roughly.
"Luke now!" I scream again at his lifeless looking body.
I place my ear on his chest and sure enough he's breathing and his heart beating. What happened?
I look over and Michaels running back into the kitchen.
He scurries off and does just that. After a minute he returns with some. I take in and without giving a second thought to it I dump it clear onto Luke's face. Luke sits straight up
"MUM BEN JACK DAD!" He screams.
I look at him with a confused face.
He pulls his knees to his face and just starts crying uncontrollably.
"Mikey go get Jasey. Now." I say.

Jaseys POV
I sit on the bed and wipe my tears. The whole time hoping daddy's going to be alright. I heard to door start to open and Mikey opened the door.
"Come with me princess." He says picking me up. He looks really sad.
We get down the stairs and daddy's awake crying into his knees. Mikey places me down on the ground and I run up to him.
"Daddy!" I say.
He places his knees down and open his arms. I run straight into them. He pulls me close as possible. He brings me straight to his chest and burries his face into my neck.
"Shhhh. Its going to be okay." I say patting his head and back.
"Will you please tell us what happened Luke?" Ashton asks.
"I-I-I don't e-even know where t-to start." He says trying his hardest not to break down againas he pulls his face outta my neck.
In which he fails and closes his eyes as the tears just flow down his face.
"Common Luke." Ashton says.
"There gone." He says just above a whisper.

Lukes POV
"There gone." I say just above a whisper with my eyes closed not daring to open them.
"Who? Who is gone Luke?" Mikey and Ashton ask at the same time.
"All of our family. They were on a plane to visit us and meet Jasey. When the plan lost control and crashed. Everyone's dead. Mine, Calums, Yours and Yours." He says looking at the boys.
"Very funny Luke. Now what really happened?" Michael says trying to make it seem like a joke.
As to where Ashton knew I was serious.
"I'm serious." I say.
Mikey start walking towards me and picks me up by the collar as I drop Jasey to the floor.
"Ouch." She says in a whisper and runs to Ashton.
"Tell me its a fucken joke. Tell me that now!" He screams in my face. His face red with anger.
"I wish I fucken could." I scream back at him.
"Fuck you." He yells swinging his fist into my face.
I feel the blood rush from my nose and lip.
"MICHAEL!!" Jasey screams.
He drops me down to the floor and looks at her.
"Dont hurt me!" She screams.

Jasey pov

"You listen here you little prick. You will not yell at me. This is all your fault. Our family came to visit you! You! I wish we never adopted you!" He screams in my face.
"Mikey. Please. What happened to you." I say crying.
I look him in the eyes and saw them lighten up.
"Oh my fuck! I'm so fucken sorry Jasey. I love you I'm so sorry! Please!." He says walking closer to me. I dodge him and ran into daddy's arms.
"Stay the fuck away from her Michael." Luke says holding me in his arms as we sit in the floor.
Mikey looks at us one more time and runs out of the room. I look over to where Ashton is. His hand buried in his face and he sobs loudly.
I get out of daddies arms and run up to Ashton. I take his hand away from his face.
"Dont hide that your upset. Its alright to break down and cry sometimes. We all have to." I say crying and wiping his tears including mine.
He just hugs onto me.
"Ashton I gotta make sure everyone's alright." I say sniffling.
I get up and grab Ashton's, and Luke's hands. I walk up the stairs with the two sobbing boys behind me. I push them into Calums room to see Calum sobbing also. They sit on the bed and we all do one big family cuddle. Well almost family.... Mikey was no where to be found.....

(A-N omg can yyour hear me crying anyways love all you beautiful people!!

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