Chapter Eight- Kitty Cat.

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Jaseys POV
"Awww look how cute she is!!!"
"Ssshhhh! Your going to wake her up!"
"I can't help it she's so adorable!!"
I rolled over at looked at the boys that had woken me up.
Calum and Michael.
"Oh shit were sorry!" Mikey said.
"Hey! Dont swear in front of little children!" Calum says hitting Mikey's arm.
"You want to go down stairs?" Mikey asks.
"Mmhmm." I say nodding.
Mikey swings down and picks me up and starts running down the stairs with me.
"Uncle Mikey slow down!!! Bwhahahah." I say laughing aloud.
"Aww! You just called me uncle for the first time!" He says kissing my cheek and sitting me down at the bar stool.
"No since its your first full day here what do you want for breaky?" He asks.
"Uhhh waffles!" I say.
"Why not pancakes?" Mikey asks.
"Cause waffles are better duhhh." I say giggling.
"Haha she's just like her Uncle Cal. He loves waffles more then pancakes." Daddy says walking in.
"Hi daddy!" I say.
"Hi princess." He says kissing me cheek.
"What are we going to do today?" I ask.
"Well we have to tell the fans about you. Also you have no clothes at all so where going to go shopping and pick you up some. Then maybe we will go to Family Fun Time. They have a big fun castle you can play in while daddy and uncles talk for a little bit. Sound good?" Daddy asks.
"Yes! I wanna play in a big castle!!" I say smiling.
"Okay sounds good! Eat up when uncle Mikey's done. Get changed into your clothes from yesterday that we washed. Then we will do a live stream them well leave!!" He says.
"Thank you!!" I say.
*****After eating and changing*****
We all sit down on the bed and turn on the live stream.
"Hi guys!" Uncle Ashy screams into the computer.
"Hi guys. So we would like to talk about this little girl right here." Uncle Mikey says.
"Okay. So this is Jasey. She's 5 years and is my new adoptive daughter! Now please no hate! We love her very much! She means a lot to us! Say hi Jasey!" Daddy says.
I stand up and jump on the bed.
"Hi! I'm Jasey! Jasey Koa-Marie Hemrings! This is my new family and I love you guys very much!" I say taking them into a group hug.
"Hahah. We love you to buts Jasey for real. It'd Hemmings. Not Hemrings. Silly girl." Daddy says pulling me into a separate hug and kissing me cheek.
"Okay guys I think that all! We shall live stream soon! Love you all much! Goodbye!" Uncle Cal saying turning off the computer.
****Few minutes later****
"Let's go to the mall!" Daddy shouts.
"Run up stairs and get you shoes on and get Uncle Ashy." Uncle Mikey says.
I run up stairs into my room and put on my old shoes from the orphanage. Hope fully I get new ones.
I run out into the hall way to the last room which is Uncle Ashys room.
I knock and walk in not waiting for a responce. Uncle Ashy was laying on his bed crying.
I run up and climb onto the bed and cuddle into his chest.
"Uncle Ashy! What's the matter!" I say.
He doesn't respond but there scratches and blood everywhere on his arms.
"A kitty cat must have go you! I'll be right back!!!" I scream running down the stairs.
"DADDY!" I shout.
"What's the matter!" He asks running into the living room from the kitchen.
"I need bandages! Uncle Ashy got scratched by the kitty cat!" I say.
"Princess stop. We Dont have a kitty cat!" He says in a questioning look.
"Yes we do! Its scratched Uncle Ashy all over his arms!!!" I shout at the now three boys standing in front of me.
They all look at each other and the color from there faces drop.
"Jasey! Go upstairs and cuddle with Uncle Ashy! Ill get bandages and be right up! Calum you get a wet rag and Mikey you go with Jasey! Hurry!" Luke shouts as we all break up.
I run up the stairs and into Uncle Ashys bedroom again.
"Hi Uncle Ashy! Its going to be okay. I promise. That mean kitty cat will not be aloud in your room again! I promise you!" I say running back into his room and cuddling him.
Within 20 seconds Daddy and Calum and Mieky are all into Uncle Ashys room.
"Give me that!" I shout at Uncle Cal taking away the wet cloth and carefully wiping of Uncle Ashys arms.
Once I fully have the blood off from his arms I climb off of Ashys lap and grab the bandages from daddy. I then climb back into Ashys lap and start applying them onto his arms.
Uncle Mikey, Calum and Daddy are all crying into each other shoulders.
"Its okay Uncle Ash. There just sad the cat scratched you. But I cleaned it up so you should feel all better." I say wiping his tears then kissing his cheek and hugging him.
"I love you so much Jasey." He says hugging me back.
"Now where's the mean kitty so Daddy and other Uncles can get it and bring it far away." I say.
"Jasey, Princess. There was no Kitty Cat." Daddy says.
I hop off of Ashys lap and take his now banaged arm.
"Yes! See look daddy! The kitty cat got uncle Ashy!" I says.
"No princess it really didn't." He says shaking his head and starting to cry again.
I started crying. "Uncle Ashy. Didn't the kitty cat get you?" I ask.
"No princess the kitty cat didn't get me. I got me." He says looking at the floor ashamed.
"What do you mean you got you?" I say trying to stop crying.
"Jasey I don't like myself. I hate my self!" He says summing it up for me.
I throw myself at him and hug him.
"Uncle Ashy! Dont say that! I love you and so do the boys! And all you fans love you! Please Dont hate yourself uncle Ashy! Please love your self!" I say crying into his neck.
Uncle Ashy shouldn't hate him self! He's perfect and I love him so very much!
"I promise princess I will start trying to love myself." He says pulling away from the hug and wiping my tears and his.
"Promise?" I ask sticking out my pinky finger.
"I promise!" He says locking his big pinky into mine and sealing the promise with a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you uncle ashy!" I say kissing his cheek back.
"Ashton. We will talk about this later. We have to go shopping know. Are you still coming?" Daddy says wiping his own tears.
"Yeah give me a moment I just have to put on bracelets yunno." He says walking over to the burrio and putting on a bunch of bracelets that cover his arms.
"Okay let's go!" Uncle Ashy says taking my hand as we run down the stairs and out of the door.

(A/N- ugh I feel so bad for writing this! I do love Ashton so much! I'm SL glad he got strong for us fans! Anyways live all you beautiful people

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