I remember a time when I was four, I had the whole world in my hands, I was going to be a princess and I would have a prince, a horse and my very own castle, that all changed when I turned eleven, I was going to be a scientist, both me and Chris, we were going to create a cure for hypogenatus, the disease that had taken over everyones life.
We had the whole thing planned out, we would spend a year or two testing and magically we would come up with the cure, we would walk out of the lab, hand in hand to show the world that we had saved us all.
At Thirteen parts of the plan changed, Chris said he no longer wanted to walk out hand in hand, instead he would kiss me infront of the world, I remember blushing like crazy at his idea and shaking my head like a lunatic with my mouth agape and my tongue hanging out to emphasise how against this idea I was, I never did get to tell Chris that at that time I loved that idea.
But that was three years ago, since then the only feelings between us was that of family, we were extremely close, and both could put our hands high to say there was no other sort of feelings between us, but yet I still wanted to walk out of a lab with my bestfriend, wether it was hand in hand or a full on kiss, I just wanted my best friend back.
"Has the identity been confirmed?" my voice was a low whisper, no hope, no nothing, I was empty, my body was now just a capsule for a crushed spirt that held a millions pieces of what once was a heart.
"No, but the body found belongs to a teenage boy, and well pumpkin, we can only hope for the best" I watched as the strongest man I knew wiped fresh tears from his cheek. "Yeah, I, um, I guess so".
I didn't wait around to talk about it anymore, I took off up the stairs craving the comfort of my bed, hoping that once I pulled the covers over my head the world would dissappear, the government would dissappear but most of all, I hoped that I would dissappear.
I stopped at the door and stared into my decorated room, posters covered a wall that's colour had long been forgotten, photos and figurines covered the shelves and beneath it all was my bed, my bed that was perfectly made.
Hold Me Close
Sci-fiIt's the year 3012, and the ban on human contact is getting fiercer. Ann Hayes, a sixteen year old girl obeys this law with desire to touch, desire to be touched. Disease lays in the cells of many humans and this is their way to stop it from spreadi...