Chapter Nine

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I woke up the next morning and could feel the throbbing pain in my arms, I had to skip my shower which wasn't my favourite thing to do but I couldn't bare the idea of the pain it would cause.

I also didn't want to stick around for dinner, the conversation that we had wasn't one I wanted to have, my mother and father talked about Chris and about Derek, they didn't want me to be around someone who broke the law the way he did, they were scared of the outcome that it would have on me, but they didn't know that I didn't plan on seeing him again, we weren't friends, just people who bump into one an other during my own awkward situations.

I rolled around the bed, pulling and tugging at the covers, I couldn't find that perfect position of comfort for my self, I turned to the alarm clock that sat on the bedside cabinet, it was only half five in the morning, and I felt wide awake.

I pulled myself from the bed and put on my sweatpants and light jumper, tucked my phone into my pocket after hitting play on the music and headed out for a jog.

I ran down the familiar roads and took a left turn down a road that I had never been onto.

I followed the pathways into a small estate and passed a small corner shop, that's where I stopped, I looked down the small arch way to see a blonde girl who stood tall making out with a boy, I could help but stare.

She stopped kissing him and rested her head on his shoulder and let out a breath of relief. Her eyes opened and landed on me, she pushed the boy away and looked frightened, I pulled my earphones out.

"I, I'm so sorry" I stuttered feeling embarrassed for being caught,


Well this was just perfect.

"Ehm, hi Derek", I rubbed the back of my neck with a bit of force, "you know her?" the girl finally spoke, he nodded amd walked towards me leaving the girl in the archway.

"I everything ok?", I nodded, keeping my eyes down so that i didn't have to make eye contact, his hand liftedy chin so that I was staring up into his eyes, "if everything's ok then why are you in this part of town at six in the morning",

"I couldn't sleep, the pain in my arm kept waking me up",

"it will heal soon, sure me and Sora will walk you home if you want, we were jusg about to head that way", I nodded and waited for them, they went back to kissing before walking out into the moons light.

Sora stood tall with short blonde hair and high cheek bones, she smiled to me when she was completely out of the archway and so we went on our way.

We were all quiet, just walking in the nights silence.

The silence didn't last long as the sounds of tires screeching filled the air. A white transit turned the corner and Derek froze, "it's the government" he gulped, "just act normal and keep walking", and so we did, we didnt speak or look at the transit, just kept on walking, but the transit stopped beside us.

The man from the night with Chris stared out at us from the passanger window, I could see his hand cautiously reaching for the handle, "run" I whispered loud enough for the two to hear.

We all took off, Sora was already beginning to slow down when we turned the first corner, I tried to grap her arm to pull to our speed but she fell, smashing her face on the concrete, she lifted her face and already blood was sprewing from her nose and mouth, she looked to her shoes and cursed them, "fucking wedges".

Myself and Derek pulled her up and tried to help her run but she was slowing us all down.

We turned and ran down an ally to cut the time of running straight through town, but soon the transits headlights brightened the ally up, we got to the end and two men came from the right, they tried to grab a hold of me, I could see the white gloves nearing me, I dodged them but someone didn't.

"We have one" one of the men shouted, I didnt dare look back in fear of falling from not looking where I was going.

I feared for whoever it was.

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