Dinner Part 2

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"What are you doing here." Said Zayn in disgust.

Uhm ugh I replied

Zayn do you have the be such a douche she didn't do anything to you so grow up ugh -.- said Doniya

Alright alright said Zayn as he rolled his eyes

OKAY EVERYONE DINNERS READY Trisha said from the kitchen.

So as we walked to the dinning room Zayn pulled me and said " We will talk about this later"

In head


What the hell would this idiot want to talk about it. Maybe insulting him won't help. He might beat me more. Hahah your an idiot it's your head. Right! Maybe his stupidity is rubbing of on me.


"So Anabelle I hear your excellent at Math. Could you maybe tutor Zayn he isn't doing that well.." Said Trisha

Zayn "MOM"

Anabelle *blushs* "sure"

"Great" said Trisha

"Hey Ana could you please play the piano now." Said Safaa

"Uhm sure where is it."

"I'll show you"

"How about you all go.... The adults have some important business to discuss." Said Zayn's Dad


"So she is gonna play something time for humiliation."

"What did you say" said Safaa

"Nothing" I replied

AnaBelle POV

"Okay what should I play"

"Anything could you also sing"


"You sing"

Yeah she replied

Ugh she probably sounds like a dying cow she look likes one.

"How about you play and sing Thrift Shop"

"That's a rap song"

"So just sing the rap part and play the piano too"



Okay she sings it like

Madilyn Bailey cover of Thrift Shop

Just search on YouTube

Madilyn Bailey Thrift Shop it should pop up I will add a link later.....

Bye for now

Don't forget it



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