To be confused.

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My eyes widened with shock. Was I fat? Did Gerard think I was fat?
"Gerard, do you think I'm fat?" I questioned.
"No no no Frankie that's not what I mean. What I mean is, life will be better! When you take these you will look and feel better," he put his hand on my knee. "I promise."

I was pretty much sold by then. There was a small voice in the back of my mind saying hey! Look at him! Does he look better to you? But I ignored it. If Gee says its good, it must be. He wouldn't lie to me like that.

I weakly nodded and he grinned again like he did when I first came up here. I suddenly remembered my cuts and I felt butterflies inside me; not from nervousness but from excitement.

"Gerard so, you know how you like... Cut? Guess what?" I said while grinning like an idiot.
"Huh?" He said while reading the box of pills.
"I did it. Like not as deep as you, but still I did it! It felt so good, Gee, I understand now." As soon as I said I did it, his head shot up so fast I thought his neck would snap.
"Let me see." He said harshly "Let me see, now." By now I was a little scared. So I pulled my legs out from underneath me and showed him all of the cuts on my right ankle. He sighed and touched them so gently that I could barely feel it. It felt like a whisper on my skin.

I was still smiling, but the look on his face was no longer Cheshire-Cat-wanna-be. It was sad. A sad, sad face.
"Frankie, baby, you're so young. You're so innocent. You don't need to do this. You don't need this. You have me." He said with a sad smile.
"You said I would understand! And now I do! I'm not a baby, I'm thirteen years old!" I shouted back. His eyebrows were raised so high and he  moved himself back a bit. He looked scared, shocked, surprised and amused all at once. I felt so guilty. I took the two steps and just cried in his arms. He held me so tight, it felt like a security blanket. No one could harm me if I was in Gerard's arms. He was stroking my hair, shushing me softly, telling me that I didn't need to apologize and rocking me gently. Making me feel like more of a big, fat baby.

"I'll take them. I'll take them every single day, even more if you want me too. I'll stop eating, Gee. I'll do anything to make you happy. To make me seem like less of a baby." He smiled at that and kissed my forehead. I shivered and he just held me closer.
"You have no idea how happy that would make me and how mature you will be. I promise you wont regret this."

I now wish I could say that I did. That I regretted everything. But I don't. And I don't care.

Hi guys! Thanks to everyone that has read so far, it makes me smile :D this is the longest chapter so far I think. 515 words isn't that much but I'm known on other websites for chapters shorter than frank iero. if you are interested in a story similar to this, read my story on called "What doesn't destroy you, leaves you broken instead" by toospooky4you c:

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