To be reckless.

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Me and Gerard did everything together. I was 14, he was 16. He could drive now. We drove all the time. Always with all of the windows down, music blaring, feel out the windows.
We would go to the hills. No one ever came there, it was like our own little place. There were beautiful flowers everywhere. One time I told Gerard I wanted to be so light, I can lay down on the bed of flowers and not make then move. He told me we could do it and lay on the flowers, weightless forever. Then he held my hand and we laid down on the flowers and were were happy, even though we sunk down.

We would spend as much time as we could together to help each other not eat, make sure we both took the pills and sometimes, we even binged together. When that would happen, Gee would go in first and I would stand guard by the door to make sure he was vomiting it up. Then, after he brushed his teeth and we would switch places.
Purging was never hard for us. It became a hobby of ours to be skinny. To see how thin we could get. Pretty soon, it was almost a competition.
One day we were both laying on Gerards tiny bed. We hadn't eaten today or the day before, and we didn't really want to wear ourselves out. He turned to me and said "I bet I can get skinnier than you." With a smirk. "How much do you weigh? 500? 600?"
"No way. 106." I said quietly.
"Frank, have you been throwing all of what we eat up? Wow. I'm 95. I bet I could lay on the flowers by now. But you? You would definitely sink." He started laughing as tears welled up in my eyes.
"Gee, will you help me please? I don't want to be this fat forever."
He hugged me tight, making sure i could feel his ribs and my fat.
"Of course. Even though you're a disgusting fatty, you're still my best friend. Now, I know you ate today. Go throw it all up." When i widened my eyes and didn't move he shouted. "I said now frank! You're gonna be fat forever, if that what you want?" I shook my head and went to bathroom. I threw it all up. When I went back to the room, he had two boxes and one bottle in his hand.
"Okay, so frank these are laxatives. They basically...make you go... Like when you eat to much it gets rid of it. These," he held up a blue box, "are diuretics. They make you piss. So if you're bloated or want an accurate scale number, use these. Only use those two in emergencies though. They can really fuck you up. And finally these are more diet pills!" When he saw the horrified expression on my face he frowned.
"Frankie baby, dont be scared. You'll do it for me right? Together, remember? I'm helping you because I love you. You're my best friend."

He knew just how to manipulate me, and I could do nothing about it. I still cant.

to be thin (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now