To be Fragile

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As the months went on, Gerard and I got extremely thin. Of course we couldn't see it, but we were tiny. I was 85 pounds. Gerard was 87. Our bmi's were freakishly low, and our energy was practically drained from us. We could fast for more than 4 days. When we did eat, it was extremely low calorie. I was cold all the time. I wore multiple layers. It made me look fatter while also giving me some warmth, though not much. It felt as if winter had touched me and left me permanently cold.
  One day during summer, me and Gerard were laying on his bed and he was holding me. He smiles when I turned towards him and touched his cheekbones. We were in love, but it wasn't just attraction bringing us together. We were partners in crime, wicked brothers. We were the boys you stayed away from, but also the 'Skeleton Boys'. We were twisted, But it worked.

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