Chapter 1- he took it.

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As I walked out of maths class-my last class before lunch-I looked for my friends Sarah,Sophie and Becky.We normally met up around our lockers.Mine and Sarah's were beside each other while Sophie's and Becky's faced ours.

They weren't there,not even Becky,she normally walks straight here from class everyday because she is to shy to talk to anyone that's not in our "group". I started walking towards the door at the back of the school,that leads to the music room,where we eat our lunch.

Thats when I heard Sophie shout my name.

I turned around to see all 3 girls heading in my direction. I smiled at them and they returned the gesture.

We chatted about all the random dum stuff that went on in our classes so far.When we got to the music room we sat on the tables like always and started talking about the football players-aka Justin Browne.

Every girl in this school would jump off a cliff just to talk to him for two seconds,that is everyone but me.

I cant stand him.Yes I see what everyone is talking about when they say he could be a male model and all that but honestly someone so nice looking cannot be a nice person.Its just impossible.

He probably was a nice person to his friends and girls that he liked but not to someone like me.

I always wore track suits or jeans .Even if I wore shorts I would feel out of place.Yes I am uncomfortable with my body but I'm not the only one around here.Becky and Sophie are the same as me,always in cloths that do not flatter our curves in anyway possible but Sarah on the other hand,she always felt you could never be "too dressed up".

Sarah is always in dresses,heals,full of make up and hair done to perfection.

At least half of the schools male population has asked her out but she always declines.

I don't know why because i would hop on the chance to go out with one of her many admirers.Well not really hop on the chance since that I've never even had a boyfriend but you know what i mean, a girl can dream!

I hadn't noticed I'd zoned out of the conversation until I felt Becky hitting my arm."Sorry,what was the question?" I asked Becky as the look of panic crossed her face.

"I didn't ask anything i said look over at the teachers desk" she mumbled and put her head down as though she didn't want anyone to see her.

With that I turned around and guess who I see arguing with the music teacher, shocker its the one and only Justin Browne and his football crew.

He gave up arguing and just kept answering with short answers such as o.k, no and yes.

As soon as he turned around his eyes set on our table. With that my phone went off letting me know i had just got a text.

I always look forward to getting texts off the girls but they were all here so i wasn't really bother with it until I saw my mam's name on the screen. I grumbled as i opened the text witch only told me to be home for 5 o clock.


She knows I'm always home on time so whats the point of texting me.

I put my phone down on the table close to my leg incase I lost it.I might only text like 3 people but I would honestly but lost without my phone,its like a 3rd arm to me.

I turned around to face my friends who were still looking over at the football team.

I heard a lot of footsteps and laughing then the door closed which meant the football team where gone.

FINALLY! now we can get back to eating our lunch. 

I looked at Becky and she looked scared now.I turned around to see Justin standing right behind me with a smirk on his face. One of my eye brows automatically shot up in confusion.

I turned back around to face Sophie this time.Justin made his way around the tables and stood in front of me this time.He leant back on the table that Becky was sitting at this time looking confused.

"Can I help you?"I said with a clearly annoyed tone.That took him by surprise so straight away he stood up straight away with the smirk rubbed right of his face.HA! I said to myself.

"I just wanted to come over and talk to you lovely ladies" he said with his flirt mode of high. "don't you have other 'lovely ladies' you can go bother,we are trying to eat here and you are in the way" I said with a dry tone. He didn't take rejection well,I could see that.

He leaned closer to me and put his hands on either side of me and just looked into my eyes as if he was looking for something.He pulled away a few moments later with a confused look on his face. He smirked again and said"maybe I will then" and with that he walked off and out of the room closing the door behind him.

HES SO FULL OF HIMSELF! I taught to myself. 

Sarah looked at me with an amused look on her face and I eyed her confused. She just shook it off.After a few moments of our little chit-chat the bell rang and we were off to class again. None of the girls were in any of my classes for the rest of the day so I parted from them and went up the stair to my Spanish class. 

For the rest of the day I kept my head down and payed attention to all the teachers like normal.I sat in the second row in all my classes to.

As the final bell rang for the day I let out a sigh or relief.I knew I had to go home and mind Jess-my little sister-again today,don't get me wrong I love her but my mom could take at least a little bit of an interest in being part of her life.

My mom was always out doing something or other until all hours of the morning so when it came around to getting up and making Jess her breakfast it was my job.

As I got closer to my locker I noticed Sophie and Becky talking while Sarah got chatted up by another football player. I didn't say anything to Sarah about being needing to be home so soon because she was my ride and I didn't want to make her angry about leaving the football player.

She never agreed to go out with anyone but she did love the attention she got. Who wouldn't?

As soon as she saw me standing beside my locker she quickly said goodby to the football player and walked over to me. 

"Ready?" she sad in a chirpy tone. 

"yep" I replied.

We both called a goodby over our shoulders at Sophie and Becky and headed out to Sophie's car.

The car ride to my house was anything but quiet,it was filled with me and Sophie singing along to what ever songs came on the radio.

We reached my house and I got out quickly and waved a goodbye to Sarah who was still singing along with the songs.

I quickly ran up to my hall door and ran inside. I went straight to the kitchen to make dinner. My mom was already gone.

After we eat dinner-just me and Jess-Jess sat on the sofa and watched telly. I remembered something funny my Spanish teacher said and went to my school bag to get my phone and text the girls but I couldn't find it.

I emptied my bag,when I say I emptied my bag I meant I took out every little thing that was in there out but I still couldn't find it.

Then I remembered that I left it on the music table at lunch but I didn't remember seeing it when I got up to go to class.Then it hit me.JUSTIN BROWN TOOK MY PHONE!!

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