Chapter 20- a girl can change her mind!

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The hole way threw dinner was awkward. I was trying to pretend I wasn't interested in Jamie,like Justin said,but it was so hard.

Jamie looked really good. Like really really good.

"So,Mia. Any plans for collage?" My moms boyfriend asked.

I hadn't taught about collage,ever.

I just wanted to finish school,get a job and take care of Jess.

I was about to reply when my phone vibrated in my lap.

It was the same number that text me earlier so it must of been Justin.

-hey B*TCH,I sent that last message to the wrong number hahaha who would love you?

Harsh. I felt heartbroken. I didn't text back ,I just answered the questions that were been asked around me.

Maybe I might be more interested in Jamie now.

After dinner was over I walked Jamie to the door while his dad stayed in the kitchen talking to my mom.

"Who have you been?" He asked awkwardly.

"Not to bad,it's only been a couple of days"

"Right" he looked at the ground.

After a few minutes of silence,I asked,"would you like to go out sometime,just the two of us?"

He looked up straight away,looking at me as if I had 10 heads.

"Yes" he said not missing a beat.

"Great" I smiled.

We swopped phone numbers and talked a little bit more until his dad was finished talking to my mom.

"See you Saturday then?" He asked.

"I look forward to it"

I closed the door them and walked into the kitchen.

"Get out"

I looked at my mom,the smile I had on my face before, was now gone.


"Get out,your not welcome here. Your suppose to have a boyfriend and here you are flirting and making a date with with someone else?"

"That was your idea-"

"I said get out of my house"

She practically pushed Jess and I towards the front door.

Once we were outside she closed the door and Jess started to cry.

I wasn't going to let OUR mam see Jess like this so we started walking.

I don't know where we were walking but after a short-Ish walk we found ourselves at Sarah's house.

My phone kept vibrating but I refused to look t it.

"What happened?" Sarah asked once Jess was asleep.

I told her the story from the beginning. As usual,Sarah seemed more upset about what my mom done then me but I'm used to it now.

"So,how did you get home? You where still at the house when I left?"

Sarah went red. I never seen Sarah blush before but here she was,blushing.


"Aaron brought me home" she said quietly.

It hit me then.

"You like Aaron!" I shouted.

It was almost as if something snapped inside here. Before I could register what she was doing she had pinned me on the floor covering my mouth.


"What?" I asked when she let go of my mouth. Her parents never payed attention to her either so they wouldn't care if she like Aaron or not? So what's going on?

Just then a bang came from upstairs like someone had fell or let something fall.

Sarah's eyes grew wide,at the same time I got up and ran full speed towards the stairs.

I ran up the stairs while Sarah tried to pull me back down,and failed.

I ran into her room and stopped dead in my tracks.

Aaron sat on Sarah's bed in just a towel.

Heat rushed to my face and I could tell Aaron was embarrassed too because he tried to cover himself with a pillow.

"What's going on here?" I asked looking between the two of them.

"Nothing" they said together.

The hole thing was so awkward. Aaron looked so cute trying to cover himself with a pillow,although he could have done a better job if he wasn't staring at Sarah.

Sarah was staring at the floor,so I done the only thing I could.

I laughed.

When I finally calmed down they told me what was going on.

Apparently they had only seen each other for the first time a few weeks ago but had been seeing each other behind everyone's backs,which made sense as to why Sarah said no to going out with anyone else.

"Aren't you and Jess suppose to be going home with Justin?" Aaron asked.

"Screw Justin" I snapped.

Aaron's eyebrows almost reached his hair line.

"What did he do now?"

I showed him the two messages he sent me.

Aaron took his phone out and compared something on both phones.



"That's not Justin's number" Aaron said.

"What do you mean it's not Justin's number? Of course it is"

He send the first message a few seconds after I said 'I think so' to Jess's question.

"That's not Justin's number,that's Jordan's girls number,Layla I think her name is"


Why would Layla pretend to be Justin? And how did she know when to send that message 'I think I love you to'?

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