chapter 2-the deal.

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I quickly ran back to find Jess sprawled out all our the sofa."Hey,can I borrow your phone" I asked as sweetly as I could. "Wheres yours?" she replied without looking up.

"Its dead"I lied.

That got her to look up."You,Mia Clark,let your phone go dead" she asked surprised. I rolled my eyes "I'm not that bad, awhh come on can I please use your phone?" I asked with the best puppy dog eyes I could use.

She eyed me for a few seconds and then nodded turning back to watch move t.v."Its on the kitchen table" she mumbled as I walked,well nearly ran past her. I took the phone and went up to my room.

I rang Sophie,Sarah and Becky and we talked in a 4 way phone call . I told them what I had just figured out and ending with "what am I going to do!?". Sophie and Becky screamed a "what!" while Sophie didn't say anything. For a second I taught she had hung up until she cleared her trough.

"em Mia,I didn't know Justin had your phone but he did text me a while ago on your phone asking somethings" she replied softly.

"WHAT KIND OF THINGS?!?!" I screamed into the phone."he-you-I'm going to pretend its you because its confusing,you said if I was really close friends with you then I would know when your last boyfriend was,whats your favourite food,and stuff like that"

"AND YOU ANSWERED THEM,JUSTIN BROWNE NOW KNOWS I HAVE NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND,that's-that's just.." I couldn't keep talking.My voice was shaky. I'm feeling sick now that don't have my phone in my hand.

I taught that if that ever happened that would the worst thing ever.But I was wrong.The worst thing ever was I didn't have my phone and the cocky ejit Justin Browne was the person who had it.

Life was at the best right now. I have pictures from my trip to the country side with my cousin Megan,and photos of me messing around with the camera and all on that phone.

My life is O-V-E-R. I will never be able to show my face at school again. He's going to show everyone the pictures.

And everyone's going to hate me.

While I was trying to calm down I could hear Sophie and Sarah beginning to make a plan on how to get my phone back. I listened carefully as did Becky. A soft knock on my bedroom door brought me out of the conversation on the phone.

I stood up and opened the door to find a sleepy Jess in the door way telling me she is going to bed.I glanced over at the clock to see it was 1am. I said goodby to the girls and headed to bed. I lay in bed thinking about how I was going to get my phone back.

I fell asleep after about 4 hours-meaning I fell asleep at around 5 in the morning,so you can imagine how I felt getting up at half 7 to make my sister breakfast.

I walked down the stairs,after taking a shower to wake me up more. I made Jess her breakfast and finished getting ready myself. I decided to wear black skinny jeans today for a change.When Sarah got to the house Jess and I raced each other to the car and got in.

Of course I let her win.

I looked at Sarah who had a smile plastered on her face. I didn't even bother to ask this time. Last time she smiled like this I was made go shopping for 5 hours. After dropping Jess off at her school we went straight to our school.

When we got out of the car everyone was looking at us. It was the same every other time they saw Sarah to. I turned to look at Sarah and found she hadn't even gotten out of the car yet.

This is why I don't change the type of cloths I wear,I said to myself.

When Sarah got out of the car and we walked into the school building and to our lockers. I could see Becky and Sophie at their lockers. Sarah called out to them but they didn't move not even to turn around and smile.

Then I noticed why. Justin was standing at my locker with his arms crossed. This is the only chance I have in getting my phone back,I have to talk to him.

"Your blocking my locker" I said as I reached it.

"Yeah,I know". He replied with a slight smile.

"Well could you please move so I can get into it?" I asked trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

I taught I hated him before,I was wrong. He stepped to the side without another word.

"So you've probably noticed I have your phone by now", He said,his smile now turning into a smirk.

"Yes,I have,can I have it back?" I asked though gritted teeth. "nope" was all he said,his smile now growing 10 times more cocky. 

"Ill make you a deal though,I am going too show everyone everything thats on your phone if you don't do everything I say" he replied with a wink and walked off.


I'm been black mailed by the ejit of the football team .Woo. I would have said no but the pictures were to bad.I couldn't risk anyone seeing them. I slumped back against my locker,I fell to the floor and hugged my knees.

What could he possibly want me todo,i taught to myself. I felt some stand over me but I didn't look up. The next thing I know there is a chocolate milkshake after being poured over my head...

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