Chapter 5-lamp no.1

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I jumped out of my bed as fast as I could,I grabbed the closest thing to me that could be used as a weapon,which just happened to be a lamp.

I walked as slow and as quiet as I possibly could towards my bedroom door.I opened it a lot quieter then I taught it was going to be to see 3 men in masks looking back at me. Black mask number 1 looked back at the other 2.Black mask number 2 stood looking straight at me while mask number 3 started towards me.

I yelped in surprise and began swinging the lamp around like a crazy woman. The other 2 masks came towards me to. They got the lamp out of my hands in seconds. I ran towards jesses room hoping nothing had happened to her.

I didn't even reach the door when a hand went over my mouth and I was pressed up against the wall. I heard a car pulling into the garden,a few seconds later there was a jingle of keys then the hall door burst open. -moms home,I taught to myself.

Black mask number what ever,I've lost track at this stage,went down stairs. I tried to scream to warm my mom but a hand was still clamped over my mouth.

I bit his hand through the gloves he was wearing. I kicked my leg back which connected with his shin.He lost his balance and with that I kneed him in the side of the head, leaving him lying on the floor. I stood there a few moments looking at what I'd just done. When I caught my breath back, I turned around to go help my mam or sister but the other masked man was there,holding the lamp.

In one swift move he lifted up the lamp and connected it with the side of my face. Everything went black from there.


I opened my eyes to see a plain white curtain over my bed. Wait.. This isn't my bed. I sat up quickly,too quickly,my head started hurting ,a lot.

Then it all came back,the 3 masks,getting hit,I started to loose my breath again and the beeping machine started to beep faster. That wasn't helping my head either. A nurse came through the curtains with a police officer.

The nurse checked to make sure everything was alright then handed me over to the police officer to give my statement. When I was finished the nurse came back and helped me get ready to go home.

My mom came to pick me up. Turns out it wasn't her I taught came home last night,it was a neighbour,he heard a crash sound and got worried. He also called the police. The hole way home my mom kept asking questions but answering them herself so I didn't even pay attention to her.

As soon as we got home my mom went to her room to get ready for another night out. It didn't seem to bother her that much that her daughter was hit over the head with a lamp or her other daughter was under her bed crying for her mom went she was found. All that mattered was she wanted to go out again tonight.

Soon enough she was gone out again leaving me to cook dinner,again,this time we would have dinner at a decent hour because I didn't go to school today.

Awh no. I taught to myself. The girls don't know why I am not in school and Justin wanted me to go see his friends again today,that's not good.

After dinner was gone Jess leant me her phone to call the girls but non of them answered. I figured they would call back when they got a chance.

I got into the shower to relax myself. I stood there for at least 20 minutes before getting out. I heard a knock at the front door but I was to busy looking at myself in the mirror to go and open it. I had a dark blue bruise around my eye.

"Some ones at the door for you" Jess said from the other side of the bathroom door. The only people that ever came around to the house was the girls,mostly Sarah. I through my hair up in a messy bun and through my pink and purple fluffy pjs on and headed down stairs.

The front door was shut so she was more then likely already in the sitting room. I walked in expecting Sarah to be looking back at me but it wasn't Sarah, it was in fact Justin Browne.

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