Chapter 11-those eyes

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I sat at the edge of the bath tub wincing in pain. Everywhere hurt and it didn't help that there was an open cut just under my eye.

"Stop moving,I have to clean it" was all Justin kept saying. I only sucked in a sharp breath in return.

When he was finished he brought me back to my room and into bed. He lay down next to me probably feeling awkward but I didn't care. I want him to know how much what he did meant to me.

I rolled over to him and lay my head on his chest.

We lay there for god only knows how long before I fell asleep. The hole time I was asleep I couldn't help but think about those eyes. I've seen them somewhere before I just cant remember where.

I woke up to Jess's laugh,a door slamming followed by foot steps and being in bed alone.

Feeling pretty upset that Justin had just left I got out of bed,threw a pile of cloths from the wardrobe onto the floor. No way did I want to see the blood from my face on the floor every time I came into this room.

I'd be forever haunted by those eyes.

I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and boy was I a site.

I had a deep purple bruise from my eye to my jaw. I large slit under my eye. It wasn't deep enough to leave a scar. I had swollen lips and a black eye. If I must say so myself I looked great- note the sarcasm.

I walked downstairs to make Jess something to eat. It was only 7 o'clock and I didn't know if she had eaten in her friends house. When I got to the end of the stairs there was a screech or laughter coming from Jess. 

The door was slightly open so I peeked my head in. On the couch there was a curled up Jess trying to get away from Justin -the tickle monster. I smiled as big as I could with my swollen lips for 2 reasons.

He-Justin Browne-the football player/blackmailer/pain in the a** was playing with my little sister as if she was his sister. It felt good to know he had a soft side.

And the other reason was because he had in fact not left me upstairs on my own.

I opened the door so I could see more of this side to Justin. I stood there for a few moments until Justin's eyes found mine. His eyes were happy until he saw me now they were filled in pain.

I walked into the kitchen with Justin following behind me. There was dirty dinner plates in the sink and pots on the shove. He had made dinner for Jess.

Jess ran in after us. She didn't take her eyes off Justin. I think she might have a little crush on him. God love her,if only she knew how many other girls she would have to compete with just to get his attention.

"Can I have Ice cream now?" Jess said with puppy dog eyes. Of course she was talking to Justin who of course gave in to her because you just couldn't say no to those puppy dog eyes.

After he gave Jess her ice cream he brought Jess back into the siting room.Justin got her relaxed on the sofa and put the television on for her. Yep I think I like this side of Justin.

I walked over to the sink and started to do the dishes. "I'll do them" he said walking over to ye sink beside me. "No it's fine,you made dinner" it was a battle of the dirty dishes. Neither one of us wanted to give in but in the end Justin won.

When the dishes were dried and put away he made tea for himself and a glass of water and pain killers for me. He said I'd need them.

"How are you feeling?" Justin asked concerned. I tried to smile but my face wouldn't respond. "I'm fine" I said in a sad tone,my voice even sounded different.

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