Chapter 9-i know what you did

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The next morning I woke up before my alarm went off. I looked at my clock which showed me it was only 5 o'clock.

I knew I wouldn't be able to go back asleep so I got in the shower. I couldn't spend long in it though because my mom was pounding in the bathroom door.

"Is this some kind of joke,I stay out late every night,working really hard and this is what I get at 5 o'clock in the morning".

I rolled me eyes knowing all to well she couldn't see me.

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. When was it I became the mother of my sister the enemy of my mother and on the end of a black mailing scandal.

A single tear rolled down my face and I quickly whipped it away. I needed to be strong for Jess. She didn't have the mom she deserved so I had to be there for her,strong to. That's why I went along with what Justin is doing to me. If I was going to be the mother figure in Jess's life then them pictures could not get out.

I done some really stupid things last summer. I got really drunk and did some stupid things and the proof was on that phone. I don't know why but I couldn't bring myself to delete the pictures.

Another tear left my eyes and I again whipped it away. I walked back to my room and got dressed. Instead of my usual baggy track suit I wore skinny jeans with a baggy jumper instead.

By the time I dried my hair and done my foundation very lightly to cover up the Bruise that was still circling my eye but was now yellow meaning it was healing. So it will only be a matter of time before I could stop wearing make up all together, It was time to wake Jess up for school.

It was Friday meaning tomorrow was Saturday. My mom is always gone all weekend and I try my best to spoil Jess even if it only means getting Chinese food for dinner.

She knew I tried my best.

In no time at all we were walking towards Justin's car. As we got closer he got out. "You drive" he said in A strict tone. I looked back at him puzzled.

"The car only has 2 seats in case we crashed I would be able to hold your sister stronger then you would" he said rolling his eyes. I smiled back at him. I could tell he wanted to smile back but didn't.

 Every time we stopped at trafic lights I looked over to see Jess almost falling asleep on Justin. She really never was a morning person.

When we got to Jess's school she kissed me on the cheek goodbye and looked up at Justin shyly. He smiled down at her and she returned the favour.

After I saw Jess had gone into to old building I turned to look at Justin who was looking out the front window. "Do you want to switch now?" When he didn't reply I waved my Hand in front of his face. His head snapped to the side to look at me. "What?" He said like he didn't hear me.

"I said do u want to switch now,I mean we are going to our school now you don't want people thinking things" I said in a bored tone.

"No,you drive" was all he said.

I got back to driving. The hole way to school I tried to make light conversation with Justin which didn't go to well because I didn't even get an answer. I wanted to talk to him,I wanted to know what he meant last night when he said "his family".

I only met the 4 boys.

When we pulled up to school I got out of the car straight away to see everyone looking at me. Justin got out a few seconds later and everyone began whispering.

No one was ever allowed drive Justin's car so that probably caused more whispering to be done.

I gave Justin his car keys and headed into the school building to find my locker.   After lunch I met up with Sophie and Becky. Sarah stayed home today for no reason at all. We went to the music room like always and we filled each other in on what's been going on in each others life's.

In no time at all i was sitting in my last class of the day-English- listening to the teacher talking about Romeo and Juliet. I looked up at the clock to see I had 10 minutes left to go before school finally ended.

A piece of paper landed on my desk. I picked it up and read it. I looked around to see everyone listening to the teacher not even bothering to pay attention to me.

That's what scared me the most.

As soon as the bell rang I ran out of the classroom searching for Justin. Tears were building up in my eyes as I ran through the hallways. I eventually found him outside leaning on his car talking to his friends. When he saw me he walked over to me.

"Are you crying?" He asked in a concerned voice. "Because of you" I spat "how could you,I done everything you've asked me to do and you still went and showed everybody!" I shouted at him.

"What?" He asked sounding almost believable.

"You really are some a** hole" I said before walking away. As soon as I got into my car I drove out I the Parking lot.

When I pulled up outside my house I took the price of paper out again and read it over and over again.


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