Chapter 17-breaking the deal

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I woke up the next morning feeling great.

I was still in my cloths from last night and I smelled but I felt great.

I was lying on Justin's really hard,but comfy chest. I had slept all night without waking up once.

I looked up at Justin's face. He seemed so relaxed when he is asleep.

I decided it would be a bit creepy if he woke up to me looking at him so I got up of the bed and carefully as I could so I wouldn't wake him up and got in the shower.

I took longer the usual in the shower,just to be sure the smell was gone.

I wrapped a towel around myself and looked for my cloths,which were outside in the bedroom.

I stuck my head out the door to see if Justin was still asleep,he wasn't,he wasn't even in the room.

I went over to my bag and began looking for something to wear. I settled on a black skirt and a white boob-tube top with sandals.

I didn't even know if it was warm out ,it was just really sunny so I was sort of hoping it was warm out.

I took underwear out of the bag,which was also not mine. This underwear was all new and lace. Defiantly not mine.

I stood up to walk back over to the bathroom but stopped in my tracks as Justin was standing behind me,smirking.

"Ever hear of knocking!" I said trying to wrap the towel around me even more then a already had.

"Yep,did you ever hear of wearing cloths,not towels?" He asked still looking me up and down.

"Eyes,up here pal" While trying to show him where my eyes were the towel slipped a little lower,revealing more of my chest than needed.

"If you wanted to strip for me,all you had to do was ask" he said clearly enjoying me trying to keep the towel up and keep the cloths I had in my hands.

"Perv" I mumbled walking past him to get to the bathroom.

"And yet you still love me" he shouted after I locked the bathroom door.

When we were both ready we went down to to the ground floor,to meet Jordan and Layla.

After being ignored for a hole 20 minutes I excused myself from the group,which no one heard, and went to explore the building.

After a few minutes of walking around thinking about how my life had turned upside down,I decided to walk back to the 'gang'

I turned around so fast I feel back on my a** when my face came in contact with something hard.

I looked up expecting to see Justin with a smirk on his face,ready to laugh,but it wasn't Justin. It was an unknown face.

"Wow,are you okay?" He asked helping me back to my feet.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled. He was really good looking. He had brown hair,blue eyes and muscular arms,really muscular arms.

"Sorry for walking into you"

"It was completely my fault" he said.

"Mia" I said,putting my hand out to shake his hand.


"Nice to meet you" I said. The really nice looking boy even had a nice name.

"Yeah you to,my friends and I are going to catch a movie later,would you like to join us?" He asked looking directly in my eyes,making me blush.

"I'm not from around here,I don't know my way around" I said.

"I'll meet you here at 8 then?" He asked,smiling,showing his perfect white teeth.


"Okay ill see you then" he said and with that he walked off.

I stood there for a few moments,smiling to myself. I was like a 3 year old girl on Christmas morning.

'He probably has a girl friend and wants me to go along with them so his friend wouldn't be lonely' I taught to myself.

"Mia" I turned around to see Jordan walking towards me.

"What are you doing talking to other boys,if your boyfriend is around here somewhere looking for you" he snapped.

That was the first thing he said to me this hole trip so far.

"I can talk to who ever I want" I snapped back.

"Not when your going to break my best friends heart"

"I'm not going to break his heart"

"Oh really,so you were going to cheat on him and not tell him,your a great girlfriend,I knew he could do better"

"What's that suppose to mean" I said,shouting now.

"I mean,he was better off with Chloe" he said in a calmer tone than me.

"What's going on here" Justin asked from behind me.

I turned to look at him before saying.

"I was just telling your friend how better off you would be with out me and that as soon as we get back Jess and I are moving out."

I didn't let either of them saying anything I just ran towards the room Justin and I were saying in.

I didn't want either of them seeing me cry.

It was final,I was moving out to get away from Justin and his friends and I was defiantly going out with Jamie and his friends tonight.

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