The unthinkable happened

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James text me that night.

(James) (Ally)

Hey beautiful ;) x

Hiya :) How are you? x

Good, you? x

Yeah I'm good :) x

So, what you up to tomorrow? x

Nothing, why? x

Want to go to the movies after school? x

Sure :) see you then :p x

Night ;) x

I was so excited! I started picking my outfit! I decided to go with a one shoulder black and pink dress. It's going to look so cute! Then I went to bed, because dark circles are bad!!!


"Today's the day!" I whispered to Trish during French class. She smiled at me. "Okay, you so have to video chat me afterwards!" She whispered back. "Ally, Trish. Do you something to share with the class?" Miss Browners asked us. I shook my head. "Then pay attention!" She snapped. I've never been told off before! It was weird but I shook it off.


"Hey Ally, what's new?" Austin asked as he sat next to Dez on the field.

"I have my date with James tonight!" I grinned. Austin smiled, but I couldn't tell if it was false or not. "Is it weird that I'm going out with your friend?" I asked him. He scoffed

"Whaaat? No, it's not weird at all." He replied then took out a chocolate bar.

"Good because I-" I started to say but got cut off by James walking past.

He turned to me and said "Hey Als, wanna sit with me today? That's if your friends are cool with losing an amazing girl like you for one lunch?" I checked with the others, and by others I meant Trish and she nodded excitedly. I mouthed 'thank you' to her and then quickly grabbed my backpack and stood up.

James offered his hand and I entwined my fingers within his. I smiled at my friends before getting lead to the populars. Oh no! What have I let myself in for? The populars always used to pick on will they react?

They actually reacted alright. The cheerleaders talked with me about shopping and girly stuff. Well, they mostly talked, I nodded and said "Yeah." I couldn't help but look over my shoulder to my friends . They must be having so much fun without me. Dez was filming Trish and she was throwing grapes at him. Austin was just sat there. He then glanced at me and I quickly looked back at my lunch.


I was at my locker putting my books away, James was kept behind a few minutes. I shut my locker and sat on the bench. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Austin standing there.

"Hey, what are you still doing here?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Dunno." He said. I sighed.

"Why are you being so blunt?" I asked standing up. Today hadn't been as great as I thought, but there's always tonight!

"I'm not." He said bluntly. I shot him a look and then he sighed. "Look, I'm just confused." He finally said. I frowned at him.

"About what?" I asked. He shrugged again.

"That you would go out with James. Before you changed he called you a nerd." He admitted. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What are you trying to say? That I break up with him? James makes me happy, even if it's just because I've changed." I said accusingly. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"I liked you first and you liked me back. I liked you for you not what you looked like, you know I didn't care about that stuff."

"Austin, you hurt me in ways I never even thought I could be hurt by. You took credit for the song and I don't know about you but something like that's a major turn off for me. I'll still be your friend, I'll still be part of team Auslly but the idea of a  'me and you' relationship is just off the table."

"I just need to know something." He asked, looking down nervously at his feet.

Starting to get irritated, I sighed impatiently. "What?"

Then he did the unthinkable. He kissed me. It was slow and romantic. It felt like all around us was one big blur. All sounds were muffled and all people had disappeared. It was good too, the way he held my face with one hand and his other on my hip. It just felt right....wait... what am I doing? I have a date with James Marcus tonight! Instantly, I pushed him away. "Austin! What the hell?"

He smiled smugly. "Don't pretend like you didn't love it." He said. I didn't reply. I just glared at him walking away. I was still in shock from how right that kiss felt. Was that bad?

While I walked away from that cursed spot, thoughts coursed through my mind. Did I like that kiss? It felt right, but did I like it enough to abandon this whole James and no mixing business with pleasure thing? Did I like Austin? I mean, it'll take time for me to stop having feelings for him all together but no, not at the moment. I'm dating James, I can't like Austin. He did make some good points. But Austin was mean to me too when he first started here... Did that kiss mean something?

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