The End of James' reign

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AN: This is the last chapter of this story, thank you all for your support and love for this story and I appreciate all of your comments and votes! Love you all, so let's get back to the last chapter:::


I felt Austin tense up next to me. I looked up at him, his welcoming friendly smile had been replaced by a twisted glare full of hatred and anger. "James, what are you doing in my house?" I asked. My voice shook because I was fuming and a wave of hot anger burnt through me.

"Well, at this very moment I'm talking to you." he replied, trying to be funny.

Austin started breathing really heavily. "Don't try to be smart, Marcus." Austin growled, low and dangerously.

"How did you get in here?" I demanded. My gaze never left James' but I could tell that Austin's fists were clenched beside me. He was ready to hit.

"Your lovely ginger friend let me in. He's actually a pretty cool guy. It's the small curly one I had to use force on." He said, attempting to look apologetic, but it was fake.

I looked around to try and find Dez and Trish but I couldn't see them anywhere. "Where's our friends?" I raised my voice. Austin glared at him, shooting daggers with his eyes.

"They're...busy at the moment. Let's talk." James said, surprisingly calm.

"About what?" I asked uneasily. What on Earth could he want?

"I'm going to suggest a compromise and it's your choice to accept it or not, but let's just say, yours and your friends' lives could be on the line." James stated.

Lives on the line? "What's the compromise?" I asked cautiously.

"I'll give you Dez and the small curly one and I'll leave you alone forever, if, you two break up." James smiled, evilly.

"NO." Austin snapped, taking a step forward.

I was too numb to move. I mean, I want my friends back and for James to leave us alone, but I need Austin.

I suddenly blinked back to reality and Austin was about to punch James. "Stop!" I shouted. They both looked at me and stopped in their place. "I accept your compromise. But, I want to break up with Austin in privet." I sighed.

"What?" Austin asked quietly in disbelief. I could tell that he was going to try everything for me to stop breaking up with him.

"Oh. Er, very well. I'll go get Dez and the small one." James said before walking out of the door.

Austin ran up to me. "Ally! What are you doing?" He asked desperately. This is going to be so hard!

"Austin, I love you and I want to be with you, but for Trish and Dez's safety, and for James to leave us alone...forever, well sacrifices have to be made. I want to be with you, I really do and you have to know that this is the hardest thing for me to do, but I'm sorry. This is our only choice." I said as a tear rolled down my face. I looked up at Austin who also had tears in his eyes.

"Ally, please. No." He said in almost a whisper. "Don't do this to me. We can beat James, we can." He pleaded.

"Every other day until we leave for college? That's going to be too much, plus your career is just beginning. We'll still be friends, I swear." I said, my hands cupping each side of his face.

"Please Ally. I love you, is there anything I can do to change your mind?" He asked, a tear fell from his gorgeous brown eyes. I can't bear it anymore.

I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry. I love you too." I said before kissing him. It was like our last kiss might be able to save everything, but no. It didn't.

We finished with a hug before James stormed in dragging Trish and Dez in by a rope. I gasped and ran to my friends. "Guys! Are you okay?" I asked, ripping the duct tape off their mouths.

"Ow! Yeah and thanks." Trish smiled. I tried to untie them but James stopped me.

"Ah, Ah, Ah. Is the deed done?" He asked, glancing at Austin and back at me. I pressed my lips together and nodded. "Good good, you may untie them now." James said stepping back.

Austin and I untied Trish and Dez, who soon stood up next to us. "So, what now?" Dez asked.

I smiled evilly and got out my phone. "Bring 'em in boys." I said down the phone. Before anyone could do anything, about ten smartly dressed men burst through the door, propelled from the ceiling and ran down the stairs. They were soon joined by policemen.

I pointed to James and they all instantly charged towards him. The men in suits held his wrists together while the policemen hand-cuffed him. Other suited men pointed their guns at James.

"Thanks Jimmy, you're amazing." I smiled and hugged one of the men in suits.

"No problem, Als, I owe you for picking Sarah's anniversary present for me." He smiled to me.

"What's going on?" Austin asked nervously.

I turned around and beamed at my friends. "This is my Uncle Jimmy. He's part a secret agency." I smiled up to Jimmy.

"How did you know that they were needed though?" Trish asked.

"When Austin and I were breaking up, I sent Jimmy a text saying 44335557 28 4466688777733." I explained.

"Which is our code for Help At House." Jimmy chimed in.

"Yeah, you know on a land-line phone phone it has the numbers and the letters underneath them? Anyway, that's our code only to be used in emergencies, so they got here in...?" I asked waiting for Jimmy to finish the sentence.

"Three minutes, twenty eight seconds!" He said, high fiving one of his colleagues.

James started swearing and yelling as they dragged him away. Nothing makes me happier.

"Okay Ally, if that's it then we'll be going." Jimmy said nodding to Team Austin. I smiled.

"Alright, thank you again. You're the best!" I grinned, giving him one last hug before they all dispersed out of the house.

I turned around to all my friends who were stood there in shock with their mouths hanging open.

"Er, guys?" I asked, waving a hand in front of them all. Suddenly they all shook back to life

"Ally, I can't believe you know secret service agents!" Dez cried happily.

"Yeah, so don't mess with me!" I laughed. Then I looked at Austin's deflated face. "Austin, can I talk to you?" I asked, taking his hand and taking him to the corner of the room. I looked at his face again and hurt shone in his eyes. "Austin, you know that me breaking up with you was part of the act. I wanted to surprise all of you." I explained.

He sighed. "I get that now." He said, looking down.

"You know we're not actually broken up. I was acting." I said, desperately. Was he really upset with me? I just got rid of James.

"I know, I was acting too." He said quietly. I frowned and looked at him. He looked up and smiled.

"You knew all along?" I asked, wide eyed.

"Duh, I knew that if we really broke up, you would've been crying harder than you were." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm, not too hard though. I hit like a girl anyway. He's an amazing actor though, to cry like that and for nothing!

We walked back over to Trish and Dez and joined in a group hug. This is how it's meant to be. The four of us. No James. No worries. Just us. Team Austin.



Sorry to all the people who want to like murder me right now but you know, it had to end at some point...

Look out for my new book LOVE DRUNK out Tuesday 7th January 2014!!!!

Keep your dreams golden and your whispers silent xox

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