That's an amazing song who wrote that?

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At the end of an ultra slow day, we all met at the bench by the lockers. "Okay, here's the plan. Austin and Dez go back to Austin's to get ready for tonight and I'll go with Ally to hers while we get ready. Everyone got that?" Trish asked in her usual bossy way. Everyone nodded.

"Wait, if Austin's the only one actually going to TV, why do we all have to get ready?" I asked.

Trish grinned at me. "Because there might be pictures! Plus I got a new job at Callie's Chic Clothes and I bought some new dresses I have to wear."

I rolled my eyes playfully "Alright, well, I guess we'll see you guys at 4:30." I said before the boys went the other direction. I walked along with Trish to her house so she could get her stuff.

Trish picked out a purple and black zebra and leopard print dress with matching purple heels. Then we walked a few blocks to my house.

My Dad must be working late at the store tonight, but he left a note saying:

Have fun tonight sweetie, dinner will be waiting for you when you come back. Dad x

I put the note down and went upstairs to my room with Trish. She started getting into her dress while I searched my closet. Nothing. But then, at the back of my closet, I saw a newish dress that I've only worn once. It was pink with white v stripes and it was longer at the back. I matched it with a belt and high wedges. I kept my hair curled but put on a bit more makeup, only because Trish was begging to do my makeup.

We finished at about 4:06 so we watched The Vampire Diaries until the boys got to mine. (P.S Delena anyday)

They arrived at exactly 4:30, which was really weird, since Austin is hardly ever on time for class so it surprised me that he was on time now. I opened the door and invited them in.

Dez was wearing a bright orange blazer with a green bow tie and a yellow shirt with checked trousers, while Austin wore a white shirt, leather jacket and dark and frayed jeans.

Dez took one look at the TV screen and ran over to my couch and plonked himself down. I turned around to close the door, but once I'd closed it, I saw Austin standing super close to me.

"You look great." He whispered in my ear. Then he winked at me and walked over to Dez. I felt my palms go sweaty and my heart began to speed up like it'd just drank ten energy drinks. I melted right where I was, and he it too. Trying to torture me into asking him out.

A few minutes later we set off in a car Trish had hired. It wasn't that expensive since she had a job as a car hiring assistant when she booked it. Of course she was fired, but we still got to get the car for the evening.

We told the driver where we were headed and he drove us there with Shiny Money's new song blaring out the speakers. I'd heard it on the radio on my way to school earlier that day. Hey that's a great song title, Heard It On The Radio. I'll have to write that down in my book when I get back!

We got to the studio in no time and since we were there so early, we hung out in Austin's dressing room...that's right, dressing room!

Dez whipped out his camera and started videoing saying stuff like "Austin Moon's first TV appearance, and, backstage footage!" While Austin was pigging out at the table of snacks and chocolate fountain. Trish and I just sat on the couch flicking through channels on the TV. Some guy with a headset on knocked on the open door to get our attention.

"Austin Moon and gang to the set in 5 minutes for promo of the episode and photos for the website." He said then walked away. Austin, with a mouthful of food mumbled, "Dis ish reeal isn't it?" I just about made out what he had said.

"Yes, this is real. This is actually coming true." I smiled in disbelief.

He swallowed the food and looked in the full length mirror. He fixed his hair in a totally obnoxious but cute kind of way. Not that I was watching him or anything!

We went down to the set and saw Helen. Of course Dez fangirled. Helen was his second favourite TV host, after Oprah. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! It's Helen!" Dez screamed but quietly.

Helen walked over to us. "Hi guys. Austin. So here's the plan, you walk out from the wing, stand on stage and perform, and then afterwards, we do the interview. We need to do a little sound check so if you could just sing a chorus or something?" She asked pointing at the band doing sound check.

"Sure thing." He said as he got handed a microphone from the sound guy.

They wanna know, know, know,

Your name, name, name,

They want the girl, girl, girl

With game, game, game.

(I'm not going to write the whole chorus...blame that on laziness)

Austin walked over to us. "How was that?" He asked.

Helen smiled "That's an amazing song, who wrote that?" She asked.

I smiled and was about to put my hand up until Austin blurted out "I did!" He said grinning. My mouth dropped open. WHAT?! How could he do that? Something inside of me turned over and I felt a wave of sickness go through my body. Before I could say or do anything else I walked out.

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