daisy the hater

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From now on, the word hater will be referred to as Daisy. Just imagine Daisy as a normal average hater, and whenever I want to rant about a hater I'll call her Daisy.

No offense intended to anyone named Daisy. Honestly, Daisy is such a pretty name!

So today I'll be discussing everyday problems of what is known as the "swiftie"

swiftie [swiff-tee]

a girl/boy who fangirls obsessively over all things swift including her cats, her friends, and her songs (obviously).

Let me introduce myself. I'm Pooja, and if you are from my school go away. This book might embarrass me.

So swifties are usually very nice, but sometimes we (as a fanbase) tend to go a little . . . overboard.

Such as - hating on Katy Perry too much, sending death threats to her exes, and attempting to steal her cats because they are perfection.

We also slay the haters, which is sometimes a bad thing.

So Taylor dislikes Katy.

Does that mean we have to hate her too? No, of course not! This is Taylor's personal problem, no need to interfere.

Sometimes swifties get overboard, but we are always kind of a huge happy family, with a . . . singing, famous mother?

You get my point. We as swifties do things we aren't supposed to-for Taylor, but we always apologize. Not all of us are mean as others.

Don't bully someone because they like Katy. Come on, I have a best friend who is head-over-heels for Katy. I don't hate him.

Don't hate someone because the hate Taylor. They just have bad taste in music, that's all. *winks*

Sometimes I want to strangle haters, or give them a really cool swift pun/comeback. Actually, I always do that.

Don't you just want to strangle them? Just think of it this way: haters just don't see what we do. They don't get what we get. They are deaf to good music.

That's all I have to say. Peace out!

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