...white veil occasion <3

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Honestly, the word "TAYVIN" is the most used word in my vocabulary.  When I text the word TAYVIN to my friends it even comes in capitals because of autocorrect.

I use the word too much that autocorrect has to make it capital every time . . . TAYVIN. See?

They are the cutest, but I really hope that they don't get married before Christmas like all the tabloids say.

I mean it's cute and all, but don't you think a wedding will mean the next album will be delayed?

I mean TAYVIN (capitals again) is awesome and all, but I wouldn't be able to wait for the album. The amount swifties wait is definitely enough already.

They should take their time. A wedding would be amazing but there is a problem.

I always think about this during class.

So after they get married and all - it's going to be Taylor Wiles (not Harris) so what does that make us?

We can't be called Swifties anymore can we? She'll have a new surname, right? This is all so confusing.

I can't believe they were together in March, it's actually been quite long. *claps*

A wedding would be super cute though. I imagine Taylor walk down the aisle to Love Story or Speak Now and . . . it's just way too cute.

But the album.

I need the album.

I also need Taylor's happiness.

But I don't want a three year gap between albums. One and half is enough for me, Taylor. I'm naturally a very impatient person . . . So that wouldn't work.

I'm getting worried about Taylor. It's like swifties are her parents. Oh gosh. *sighs*

What do you guys think? TAYVIN (ugh autocorrect go away) to get married fast or slow?

I think slow, but every one has opinions!

Peace out xx

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