The News

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"Hey babe."Raph kissed Dalilah on the cheek.She had just come home from work."Hey,honey!"she said to Raph,smiling."Hold on a second...why are you home from work early?"Raph asked suspiciously.

"...Uhhh..."Dalilah said hesitantly,"because..."she stopped short.She realized Raph was looking at her stomach.She realized then that he knew."Surprise...!"Dalilah said with jazz hands sarcastically.

"Mother of mutagen..."Raph whispered.

They both stood in silence for a couple of minutes.Then Raph suddenly lost it.

"I'M A FATHER!I'M A FATHER!"he kept yelling,running around the lair like a wild bull.Dalilah laughed."Shush.We can't tell your brothers ye-"she stopped."Too late..."she said nervously.

"I'm gonna be an uncle?!"Mikey gasped excitedly.

"Splinter's gonna kill the both you!"Donnie exaggerated. (I say exaggerated because he knew they and a wedding,he was he preacher)

"Are you two CRAZY?!"Leo screamed.'I mean,he got along with Dalilah just fine now,and they were best friends but...having a baby?!Really?!They came this far,couldn't ya stop at married?!'Leo thought to himself angrily.

Splinter walked in."I knew about this because of the wedding.If someone gets married,they will probably have a baby.This is natural,and I suspect the two of you will take care of him or her.Am I right?"Splinter asked Dalilah and Raph.

Raph had started to say yes when Dalilah cut him off unknowingly."Actually...there's...more than one..."When she saw everyone's face,knowing they were thinking they were going to be twins or something like that,Dalilah quickly added,"Not all at one time,though!The doctor said they weren't triplets."The family was freaking out.THREE?!

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