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(Note from author:This is a picture of Lily at age one,NOT Rupunzel.)

-------------------3 years later-----------------

'Finally',Donnie thought to himself,'the third and last kid'he thought relived.

The last baby came out quicker then the rest for some reason.Dalilah and Raph came out with another child.It was a girl,and not a turtle.

They showed the girl to everyone who was there both times.

"What's her name?"Mikey asked quietly.He learned his lesson by now.

"Her name is Tigerlily"Dalilah said happily.

She turned to Raph."She has your eyes"she said,smiling.Raph laughed.He rubbed Tigerlily's hair out of her face.He smiled.

By this time Luna was five and Ash was four,and it was their birthday's today,too.

"Mommy,what's that?"Luna asked Dalilah.She was still a bit too young to know what a newborn baby looked like,especially a human one.

"This is your new baby sister"Dalilah said while bouncing the baby lightly in her arms.

"Could I hold her,mama?"Luna asked politely."Of course!"Dalilah answered nicely and carefully handed the baby to Luna.

Tigerlily started crying."It's ok,Tigerwilly.I'm your big sister"Luna said gently cradling her sister.

Ash ran over."Can I hold her too,mama?"he asked."Of course you can!Is that alright with you,Luna?"Dalilah asked her daughter.She bent down on one knee."Uh huh"Luna said and carefully handed the baby to her brother.He rocked her gently.The baby soon fell asleep in his arms.Dalilah took her."Time to put her to bed."

"Ok,mommy"Luna and Ash said.Dalilah took Tigerlily to her room and set her down in her crib.

"Goodnight,Lily"Dalilah said softly.

Tigerlily smiled in her sleep.She liked that name.

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