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(Note from the author:The picture above is a picture of Mona Lisa,but don't think of it as that.This is Luna,but at age 14,not just born,like she is in the story.)

Since the Turtles can't go to a hospital,Donnie had to deliver the first baby.And,trust me,he didn't want to.But he had no choice.
"Is it a boy or a girl?!"Mikey yelled anxiously."SHHH!"everyone yelled."Sorry,sorry!"Mikey whispered,putting his hands up.

The Turtles (except for Donnie and Raph),Splinter,April,Casey,The Mighty Mutanimals,MuckMan,and Jack Kurtsman were all waiting in the living room of the Turtle's lair.

Dalilah,Donnie,and Raph were in Donnie's lab,doing the procedure.
An hour later Donnie came out and whispered,"It's here!"He smiled.He got out of the doorway and walked up to Mikey.Dalilah walked out next,smiling and holding something.Then Raph walked out after her.He smiled bigger than he ever had before.

"It's a girl"Dalilah whispered,cradling the baby gently."Her name is Luna"Raph whispered to everyone proudly."And guess what?"Dalilah continued,going up to the other Turtles,"she's a turtle."

The Turtles gasped and took turns holding the baby.And guess what?

Leo held her the longest.

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