Chapter 1

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Lily's POV:I'm 9 now and daddy won't even let me make my own breakfast.I mean,I guess I'm still little,but I'm not that little...

Luna's POV:Dad won't stop bugging me.I mean,I love him,and he's the one I could talk to if something's wrong,but it's getting a bit old now...

Ash's POV:Dad's the sweetest guy alive.I love him so much,and he looks out for all of us.He just looks over us way too much.Thats the only...never mind.He has two bad qualities.

Dalilah's POV:Raph is the most amazing man I've ever met in my entire life,other then my son,my friends,my father,and my brother.He looks over everyone he loves,but truth be told,even if I don't want to admit it,Raph is a bit...overprotective...kinda like is brothers and father.That's how I'll put it.Overprotective.
"Bye,daddy!"Lily said to Raph.She kissed him on the cheek."Bye,sweetie"he said sweetly while smiling,"See ya later."It was the last day of school for Ash and Lily.

"Bye,dad!"Ash said quickly.He was gonna be late for the bus."Bye,son!"Raph said while his son was running out the pothole,"Love you!"

"Love ya,too,dad!"Ash added as he was half way down the sewers.Lily followed along beside him.

Raph walked over to Luna who was sitting sadly on the couch.He knelt down in from of her."What's wrong,Pumpkin?"Raph asked."I wanna go to school,too!"she whined,"I don't care what Lily and Ash say when I ask them what schools like.I wanna be a normal person,too.My dream is uncle Mikey's dream.I wanted to be treated the right way!"The 14 year old Luna protested.Whenever Mikey heard her make that speech,he was so proud of her.

"I'm sorry,honey.We all feel that way"Raph said sadly.He looked around the room.His brothers were nodding enthusiastically.

"Why does uncle Casey,aunt April,Lily,Ash,and mom get to go everywhere?It's not fair."

"Mommy has to go to work to make money,sweetie.You brother and sister have to grow smarter,too,and aunt April and uncle Casey need to go to school,too"Raph told his daughter.

Leo turned on the T.V."What do you wanna watch,sweetie?"Leo asked Luna.She wasn't being very nice to anybody,but she was rarely ever rude or mean to her uncle Leo.

" about 'Emily Carter:Mystery UNsolved'..."Luna said desperately,but not showing it.That was her favorite show,as well as Mikey's.When he heard the shows name he rushed in.The five Turtles sat watching the show for hours until Dalilah and the kids got home.

"Hey,guys!"Dalilah said and kissed Raph and Luna hello.

"Hi,sweetie"Raph said to Dalilah.

Dalilah looked at Luna."What's wrong,honey?"She looked at her daughter."Nothing,mom..."Luna answered her mom depressed.She went to her room.

"What's up with her?"Dalilah asked Raph."She has Mikey's dreams..."He didn't even have to continue.She knew.Mikey always made speeches about how he wants to be treated like a human is treated.

"I hope it's just a stage..."Dalilah said to her husband,worried.

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