The Madhouse

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(Authors Note:this is just to get to know a bit about life with these crazy lunatics.The next chapter is the real first chapter.But for now enjoy these looney-bins!)

{9 years later}

*In the lair*

"Uncle Donnie,my toy broke again!"Lily yelled."Lily,SHUTUP!I'm trying to read a book!"Luna yelled from the back room."MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"Mikey and Ash screamed.They were riding their skateboards around the house...again.Raph was chasing them around the room,and Donnie was running towards Lily without getting flattened.

"Give it to me Lily!"Donnie said.He needed to rush back to his lab without getting crushed.Right now,he was in he danger zone.That means,if your there...your dead.He was rushing Lily."Come on,come on!You don't want your favorite uncle to be killed do you?!"Donnie started screaming.He was getting nervous now.The two boys were charging towards him."HURRY!"Donnie grabbed the toy.Dalilah started walking in front of him.Now they were both in the danger zone.

"DALILAH!"he grabbed her back,"HIT THE DECK!"They both slammed onto the ground.

Leo came into the room yelling at Donnie."I'm her favorite uncle!"He chased after his brother,surprisingly not getting crushed by his brother and nephew.

April and Casey walked down from the manhole and into the lair.When they saw what was going on,they backed up a bit and tried to run,,but Raph grabbed them and started screaming at them."You guys try and catch Mikey and Ash.I need to help Dalilah."Raph ran to the middle of the room to help his wife up without getting killed.

April and Casey looked at each other."I shouldn't of gotten out of bed today..."April moaned,and hurled herself onto Mikey to stop him.Ash kept going."YOU GET ASH!"April screeched over Mikey's blasted rock music he turned on about an hour before April and Casey got there.

Casey moaned.

He ran towards Ash,and chased him around the room.

"Ow!What was that for?!"Mikey yelled at April as she got up."I was helping you!"April said angrily."This is the fourth time in four days you've been doing this.Tomorrow I just think I shouldn't come..."she laughed.Her friends were weird.Normal life?Think again.

Donnie did a forward roll towards Lily who sat on the couch,patiently waiting for her uncle."Here ya go..."Donnie handed her the toy.She kissed him on the cheek."Thanks uncle Donnie"Lily said smiling.

Donnie then turned around to see Leo walking towards him.He stood up."Me,you,and Mikey are equally loved"Donnie said hardly to his brother,before he could say anything to him first.

~over to Dalilah and Raph~

"We have to get up before they get us!"Dalilah yelled cautiously."Agreed"Raph said nervously.They both got up and ran past the danger zone.

~over to Ash and Casey~

Casey jumped onto Ash when he was close enough."Gotcha!"Casey yelled.But he didn't have to.Mikey shut off his music and everyone started cleaning up.Even Luna got up from her book to clean up.That's how bad the mess was.


Well,this is the Hamato family, alright.Keep reading to find out all about the Hamoto kid scenarios.

(BTW,Splinter was meditating.He didn't hear anything.The whole time.Ya know what I call that?Impressive.)

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