Chapter 10

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"Okay,uncle Donnie.So I get to go out once a month myself,but I have to bring this map of the city until I'm 16 and older?"Luna confirmed.

Donnie nodded."Yup.I made it myself..."Donnie floated and smiled widely.Luna giggled and kissed his cheek."Thanks,uncle Donnie.Love ya!"

And she slipped out into the night.

"Okay.Just look at uncle Donnie's map and you could do this!"she pep-talked herself.She took a deep breath and headed forwards.

Back At The Lair

"I can't believe she used it tonight...on all nights,why here second?!Why couldn't we have shown it to her next month?!"Raph raged aloud while Leo and Mikey watched him with boredom.

"Raph,will you quit it?Shes fine!"Mikey emphasized.Raph stopped pacing around."Michelangelo Hamato,"Raph started.Mikey and Leo's face were 100% made of shock.Raph never called them by their full names.Well,never Mikey.Or their last names...

"if you ever have children,you will see that there is so much tensity inside of you,and you can't control it.You love them more than your own life;you'd do anything for them.You'd kill yourself;end your life,for them.You'd worry every single second of your ever living life about them."He took a deep breath and continued some more."You wouldn't be able to live a second of your life not worrying about them,Mikey.So yes,I might be over exaggerating,but yes,I love my children.So if you wanna stick around and make fun of my actions,fine,Michelangelo.Fine."

Leo and Mikey were frozen stiff.

Leo's Thoughts

Raphael.Lecturing.Isn't that my job...?

Mikey's Thoughts

Did my rough and tough brother just lecture us

Back To Stuff :P

"Raphael..."Leo finally spoke."What?"he asked coldly,looking down."That was...that was amazing."

Raphael looked up."Excuse me?"

Mikey got up and stood in front of him."Raphael,that lecture...was amazing."

Raph smiled and suddenly hugged Mikey.He laughed a bit and hugged him back."I love you,brother."

Raph smiled and grabbed Leo into the hug."I love you guys,too."

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