Chapter 7

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"FAMILY MEETING!"Dalilah screamed so everyone could hear her.

Everyone came walking in 5 minutes later.

"Yeah,mom?"Luna asked,walking in.

"Oh.Good.Your here first."Dalilah smiled slightly.

"What...what happened?"Luna stopped in her tracks.

"Nothing!It's good,really!Especially for you!"Raph exclaimed.


Everyone sat down."Luna,we're gonna go out straight with could go up onto the surface now!"Raph smiled widely.

The change of expression in Luna's face was pretty amazing.At first she had a normal face,and then her face brightened up...within seconds!

Her parents were so happy to see her smile...well,everyone in the room.She hadn't smiled like that in a really long time.

"REALLY?!You're kidding,right?!"She stopped for a moment to take a breath of air and looked at her brother and sister and aunt and uncles and looked back to her parents."YOU'RE NOT!OMG OMG OMG!"

She skipped around the house now.She hadn't done that since she was a year old;when she learned she was going to have a younger brother.

She stopped at Lily and picked her up and spun her around."Lily,do you hear that?!I'm able to go to the surface now!"Luna exclaimed,plopping her down on Donnie.She giggled a bit when Luna started skipping again.

Raph and Dalilah looked at one another and smiled.Their daughter was so happy,and she hadn't been like this in a really long time.Doing this for her has changed everything...

In a good — and a bad — way.

They just don't know it yet.

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