Chapter 9

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Raphael turned around when he didn't hear any noise behind him."Luna..."His voice faded at the 'a'."LUNA?!"Raph screamed.

Luna wasn't there.

Raph's POV

I turned around because I didn't hear anymore noise behind me.

Weird.Luna always makes noise...

Then I saw it.Well,didn't see it...Luna wasn't behind me anymore.

"LUNA?!"I screamed.Where was she?!I didn't hear her go anywhere else,I just didn't hear any noise anymore...but,then again,she does come from a family of ninja's...


Dalilah's POV

I was sleeping when awoke to my phone buzzing.I groaned and looked at it,rubbing my eyes."What,Raph?"


I suddenly popped up,every bone in my body awake."YOU LOST OUR DAUGHTER?!"I screeched.

Oops.I totally forgot everyone else was sleeping,too.I guess I woke them up,because they all ran into our room quicker than I popped up.

"YOU LOST LUNA?!"they all screamed.I put Raph on speaker and FaceTime."Raph.Raphael lost Luna"I hissed.

All eyes went on Raph.He looked really guilty even though he was super blurry because he was running.

"I'm sorry,okay?We had a fight and we were walking and she was suddenly gone!"he exclaimed,not stopping running for a single moment.

Donnie's eyes grew super wide."The Purple Dragon's."

What?"Who's that?"I asked.Raph had stopped with shock but kept running after stopping for five seconds."Only the most sly and quiet bad guys out there!"Mikey shouted,looking scared.


"PATROLLING STARTS EARLY TONIGHT.EVERYBODY,GO GO GO!"Leo yelled,gesturing them out of the room.

"Raph,we're coming..."I said right before Leo and I ran out the door."And we'll find our way or another."

And then I clicked 'End Call' and ran for the nearest exit to rescue my daughter.

To The Purple Dragon's/Nobody's POV

"Heh,heh,we've gotcha pretty turtle lady..."the thinnest one smirked.

"Let.Me.GO!"Luna struggled,trying to get out of the rope that was tied around her.

"Nope,sorry little turtle lady"the fattest one said.

"My family's gonna come through that stupid door of yours any second and you'll all regret every taking me in the first place!"Luna screeched.

And she was right.Right when the thinnest one was about to say another gross comment,Luna's family burst through the doors and started tackling the Purple Dragons.

"I knew it..."Luna whispered under her breath while her dad untied her.When she was untied,they were the only two not fighting.

Raphael and Luna hugged and she cried into his arms."D-Dad..."she quivered,stopping because she was crying so much she couldn't speak anymore.Raphael held her tighter,starting to cry himself."Luna,I thought I lost you..."

Luna laughed in her tears.She broke away from the hug a moment,still grasping onto his arms while he did the same to her."I'm strong,dad.Just like you."

He smiled and hugged her once more.
Back At The Lair/Nobody's POV

"Well,looks like I'll be supervised outside until I'm 30 and over"Luna groaned.

Dalilah and Raph looked at one another.They were the only three still up."Nope."

Luna looked at them."What?"

"We said 'nope'!We think your strong enough on your own and that you could handle all that life brings you.16.You could go out alone when your 16"her parents smiled.

Luna's face brightened."Thank you!"she exclaimed,getting up.She hugged her mom and her dad and headed off to bed.

When she closed her door,Raph and Dalilah whipped around to each other.

"What the hell did we just do?!"Dalilah whisper-exclaimed.

Raph did a face-palm."Something very,very,very stupid,my dear.Something very very stupid."

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