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The time Esther met Taylor.

We were performing at MSG in two days time, everyone was already in New York spending time with their families. My mum and Robin however were flying out with my sister tomorrow so it was just myself and Taylor. Esther was in her own room.

"Do you think she'll like me?" Taylor shrugged on her coat as I put on my hat.


She nods.

"I don't see why not, Es gets on with everyone.. She's great."

. . .

When Taylor and I were ready there was a knock on our door.

"Come in," I answered replying to a text I'd just received.

"Hello stranger," I turn around at Esther's voice and laugh as she run and jumps into my arms. I spin us around as we laugh before setting her down.

"I've missed you too much,"

Esther grins.

She was looking even healthier than the last time I saw her two months ago which is good. Of course we FaceTime but you can't really see the progress over that.

As Esther and I chatted we were interrupted by a timid cough. We both look over to Taylor who is smiling sheepishly. "Hi,"

I stand up as does Esther and walk over to Taylor, kissing her cheek. "Taylor this is Esther, Esther - Taylor."

The two share sweet smiles, I felt weird as they greeted each other. I wasn't sure why, I just did.

"So are you hungry, Es?"


"Okay, well.." I check my phone for the time. "It would be stupid for us to leave the hotel, paps and fans are on to us, rooftop restaurant?"

Esther shrugs as well as Taylor and we all head up to the hotels private restaurant.

. .

"So Esther, what do you study at university?" Taylor asks. We'd already ordered so we just sipped drinks as we waited.

I was sat beside Taylor, my arm on her chair, facing Esther who was in a huge jumper. Typical, Es style.

"Media make-up,"

"Oh," Taylor raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, makeup for TV and film,"

"That sounds amazing,"

"There's a lot more to it than knowing eyeshadow shades but I enjoy it."

Taylor nods.

The meal went smoothly, Esther and Taylor seemed to actually get along which I was relieved with.

"So, we should definitely do something just us two girls." Taylor offered.

Esther was taken off guard, she's always been a boys' girl, me being her best friend she's never been the type of girl to paint her nails or have pillow fights at sleepovers.


"Well, we're going away for New Years so I need to holiday shop, you could join me?"

I instantly cringed at her words. I had been meaning to tell Esther about that but I'd put it off and put it off. Usually, I go to hers for New Years but this year I had booked something for Taylor and I without thinking.

By the look on Esther's face I could tell she was hurt, upset and angry. She was biting her lip and avoiding eye contact with me.

. . .

Taylor excused herself to use the ladies and I saw this as the perfect opportunity to say something.

I hadn't even opened my mouth when Esther cut me off. "Don't,"

Those four letters told me I had done wrong.



She was looking everywhere but at me, she took her phone out and smiled as she read something, if things were different I'd tease her about her stupid grin was, but right now I wasn't in her top five favourite people.

"Es, I just booked it without thinking-"

"That makes me feel better," She scoffs.

"No, I mean.. I.."

"It's fine Harry, I just won't see you at all. You'll be home for Christmas then whizzing her off to wherever for New Years, so when is my time? All that bullshit about us spending more time together?" I saw tears and immediately my heart sank, the last thing I wanted was to make her cry. "I flew out here to support you, yet you don't even need me here,"

"No Es, I need you here.. Of course I need you here,"

She looks down and swipes her tears away. "Yeah,"

When Taylor came back she sensed the awkward air and sat quietly as Esther gathered her bag and jacket. "I'm going to find Lou, it was nice to meet you Taylor," She smiles politely before glancing at me and leaving.

Taylor sat finishing her drink as I swam in the lake of guilt.

. . .

Arriving back into our hotel room, I kiss Taylor and try to head for the shower but she holds me captive.

"Are you okay?"

I nod. "Why wouldn't I be?"

She shrugs. "You just seem different, was Esther okay? Do you think she liked me?"

"Yeah, of course she did." I try to smile.

"What happened Harry?" Taylor crosses her arms.

"She just didn't know we were going away for New Years, I hadn't quite told her."

Taylor frowns."Does it matter? I mean.. I'm your girlfriend.."

I swallow. "Yeah it's just.. I usually spend New Years with her."

Taylor makes an 'O' shape with her mouth. "I guess a change this year doesn't matter right?"

I swallow again and try to smile but the guilt was too thick. "Right," I lie.

. . .


Hey guys, don't forget to vote & leave a comment! Hope you're enjoying the story?

Still need a character for Esther.. Suggestions? Maybe Emma Watson?

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