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The time I was okay.

- Six months later -

Esther's POV

I guess you could say after Harry I took a downward spiral, I stopped eating, I stopped socialising, I stopped everything. I sunk back into my depression and I let it take over.

Usually, Harry would be the one to help me back out of it, and I was scared that because of him I'd never get back out.

But that's how I did.

The mere thought of never getting back up again scared me so much that I pulled myself together, I didn't do it for anybody else but myself.

It's now six months on and I was slowly but surely becoming my old self again.

"Hey you, how have you been?" Gemma bounces into the coffee shop full of life.

I stand up and hug her tight. "I've been great, how are you? Let me see it." I beam motioning towards her finger.

Her and her boyfriend, now fiancée, Jonathan got engaged last week during their holiday to Greece, she facetimed me to tell me the news.

Gemma presents her finger and I gasp at the rock.

"Boy did good," I joke.

Gemma nods. "He's alright, I'll keep him I think."

We both laugh before ordering, we went for what we always go for - Eggs Benedict and black tea.

"Have you started any wedding prep?"

She shakes her head. "We're going to let the excitement settle first, start planning in a couple of months."

I smile. "Good plan,"

We thank the waitress as she places down our tea.

"How was Harry about the news?"

It was getting easier and easier to talk about him, especially with Gemma. It wasn't awkward or difficult for me anymore.

I was never told much about him, I was only ever told that he was living in LA for a while and he was enjoying himself. Whatever that meant I don't know, but I could only hope he was happy and maybe thinking about me too.

"He was typical Harry, you know what he's like," She rolls her eyes and I sit back as if I was hit by a car. Although her comment was nonchalant and oblivious it still stung.

I do know what he's like and that's why those sort of comments still kind of hurt.

"I'm sorry," Gemma cringes noticing my silence, her hand enclosing mine.

I shake my head plastering on a smile. "It's fine, it's cool, I'm good." I swallow the lump. "I'm okay,"

. . .

Our brunch was very long, we usually have around four hours of chatting to do whenever we meet so we always meet up when we're both off so we're not under time pressure.

"What are you doing on the seventh of August?" I ask.

Gemma smirks. "You do know its February right?"

I nod. "Do you have plans?"

"I don't tend to plan things seven months in advance, Es."


I shake my head and ignore it. "Good because I've been asked to do the makeup for London Fashion Week, on the seventh they're doing some huge party and I want you as my plus one. They need names now," I shrug. "Are you in?"

Gemma grins and I wish she didn't look so much like her brother. "Of course I'm in, count me there."

I laugh. "Glad you're able to make it."

. . .

When we had finished brunch we stand outside the coffee shop trying to schedule in when we could next see each other.

"I'm not free next week," I say, looking through my calendar.

Now that I was known in the makeup industry I was attending events and photo shoots, meetings and business calls. It was hard work to keep up with. "The week after I'm only free on the Friday,"

"Oh," Gemma's face falls as she checks her phone calendar too. "I'm uh, I'm away in LA then,"

I gather that she's visiting Harry and I nod silently scrolling through. "How long do you go for?" I ask not making eye contact.

"Ten days,"

I nod trying to find a free spot.

Eventually we decide on a date in mid March when we can finally meet and we hug each other good bye, I head one way to the tube station and Gemma heads for her car.

I always feel curious as to what Gemma goes on to do once we leave each other, does she go on to tell Harry all about our meet up? Or does she not mention it at all? Does he not even like me being mentioned? Or does he ask question after question to try and get as much information as he can?

These were questions I'd never know the answer to, and for peace of mind I probably never should.

. . .


Sorry it's so short! Kind of wanted a filler but also wanted this one to one with Gemma and also wanted to show Esther out the other side :)

Vote/Comment, thanks!!

Laura xx

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