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The time we met again.

I was never too sure as to why I was invited to fashion weeks. I wasn't a model nor a designer, I was just a guy who was given free clothes because he's a singer.

That's all.

I asked my sister to be my plus one to an after party, but she was already Esther's, I should have figured that we'd cross paths at these events now that she was doing so well with her makeup - I even heard that she was being asked to bring out her own collection.

Gemma text me a few hours before the party that Esther might not be there as she wasn't feeling too well so I'd meet her there.

I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed. I guess I would have liked to have seen her, see if she's changed.. But on the other hand I'm relieved that I don't have to pretend I don't see her.

How has it been a year already?

.  .  .

Esther's POV

Even though I felt unwell I wouldn't have liked to have missed the after party seeing as I did do all the makeup for the designers models.

I arrived late simply because I had to take stupid amounts of medication to keep me awake and feeling okay as well as being unable to decide what to wear.

I was greeted with a flute of expensive champagne and asked to take photos with all types of celebrities, it was weird for me to kind of be considered a celebrity too now.

I spot Gemma and head over, she was stood with Grimmy, Kelly Osbourne and of course; Harry.

I greet everyone politely, only hugging Gemma. They all continued to talk, including me also into conversation, but I knew by the sound of Harry's cough, the way he looked from the crowd to his Saint Laurent boots, he felt extremely awkward.

I however, didn't feel all too awkward, I would look over at him every so often but he was never looking in my direction.

He'd grown his hair out, and his tan was amazing. He always was the better one at getting a tan, we even raced once and of course he won, 'I'm just blessed, Es.' He laughed as I pouted with my not so olive skin.


I look to see Gemma staring at me.

"Wine or..?" It was just the two of us now; Grimmy, Kelly and Harry must have left us.

"Oh," I shake my head. "I'll finish this champagne then drink juice, alcohol isn't the best for me at the minute." I try to joke but really it was true.

I needed a break.

.  .  .

It was around 11pm when I thought about heading home, instead my legs betrayed me and carried me up to the rooftop of the penthouse where the party was also being held.

Although there were people up here it was a lot more laid back and civilised. There wasn't models trying to make connections, photographers asking you to pose or talent scouts hunting you down.

It was peaceful with low music, fairy lights and a small bar and tender in the corner.

Breathing in the cool breeze I get myself a cranberry juice.

I look for a place to sit and find the perfect spot on a sofa, as I approach it however I see someone was already occupying half of it.


He was sat alone looking down at his drink, he had gone for orange juice, no ice; his favourite.

"You can sit here," He offers. "I don't bite,"

I nod silently making my way to the spot. "Thanks," I reply weakly.

"You're welcome." He answers.

We both drink our drinks silently and weirdly it was nice. It wasn't awkward or tense.

I don't think any situation with Harry and I could ever be awkward or tense.

"Well done for the makeup. The designer was singing your praises."

For the first time ever that evening, our eyes make contact. "Thank you. It was fun working with her." I also wanted to say how much I'd missed his green eyes this past year. Seeing them in magazines wasn't the same, you couldn't quite capture the brown flicker he held in them.

He smiles turning his gaze away, drinking some more. "Gemma said you were sick?"

I shrug. "Some type of bug. I'm okay now," I wanted to smile at the fact that even though we hadn't spoken for a year, he still cared about my well-being.


"How was LA?" My voice was curious and sad all that the same time.

"Fun. LA is always fun." He smiles as if he was remembering something and I feel sick of the thought that maybe he has a girlfriend now, maybe he's thinking about her, maybe she's waiting for him over there. "..I'm back in London now though,"


"How come?" I finish my drink off and place it on the side table.

He sighs before looking at me. "My life is in London,"

I look away with a small nod. "I see,"

"Your hairs lighter," He observes.

"Yours is longer," I smile up at him and he smiles back.

"You look slimmer,"

"And you look tanned,"

Harry laughs. "I always was better at getting a tan,"

I roll my eyes playfully. "Alright, alright. Show off."

We both laugh together before averting our gazes to the floor, silence once again as we realise how normal we felt for that split moment.

"I missed you, Es." Harry quietly admits.

"And I, you Harry."

We both look at each other and smile because we knew that this was supposed to happen, this was the time.

Our time.

"What do you say to dinner? ..I'm back living in London now, we could have dinner at that Italian you always wanted to try." I could tell it took Harry  some courage to ask, he'd thought about this for a few minutes.

I smile. "That would be nice,"

"Next Friday sound good?"

I nod, I was lost for words at the whole thing, overwhelmed at how easy it was again for us.

"Sounds great, text me details?" I stand up, ready to go. My heart wanted me to stay, talk to him all night but my head was telling me 'you're not well Esther, if you stay up late you'll only feel worse tomorrow.'

"Sure," He gives me a soft smile.

"Bye Harry,"

"Bye Es,"

I smile walking down the stairs ready to say goodbye to the few I'd greeted.


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