Chapter Nineteen

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*Phil's POV* 

"And you're absolutely certain you didn't forget your phone charger?" I should have expected this when Dan wandered into my room for the umpteenth time since I'd started packing (considering it was all he'd been doing all day), but for some reason it wasn't where my mind initially jumped. Call me crazy, but yet again, I'd been hoping he might want to sit down and actually spend time with me before I left.

Instead of, you know, pacing around the apartment and treating me like some sort of dependent child. He was acting like I was going on some kind of long-term trip to a foreign country and consequences could be dire if I forgot a single piece of my luggage. In reality, I'd only be an hour away at my parents house, so it wasn't exactly the end of the world if I forgot extra pairs of socks.

I'd never seen him so uncharacteristically over-bearing before, nor had I expected to.

Then again, in the past few days I'd borne witness to a lot of changes in his personality. It was little things mostly, things that were probably parts of who he was all along, just hidden under that guarded exterior of his. But when you were someone who'd been waiting on any kind of change at all for as long as I had been, it wasn't exactly something that could go by unnoticed.

He'd been more attentive, actually taking genuine interest in spending time near me and being fully involved when he did. He was also extra careful of how he acted or what he said when he was around me (and quick to apologize when he did something he decided afterward he shouldn't have). Mostly though, all of it could be summed up to him just being caring. He was invested and gentle in a way I hadn't even been able to associate with him before.

The breakthrough had proved to be extremely rewarding, considering the lighthearted friendly way we'd been interacting lately. I guess it was only fair that I also accept the more negative aspects of his personality shift, which seemed to be limited to just the way he'd been babying me today. I figured that was fair, I could put up with a few anxious questions and the way he hovered around like I was an accident waiting to happen at all times. Still, it was getting to be a little tiring after hours of this mood remaining unchanging.

"You've asked me that five times now." I deadpanned, not looking up from where my suitcase rested between my widespread legs. I knew exactly what I'd see anyway, the exact same scene I had the last four times he'd came around to my door. He'd be leaning against the frame, his legs crossed below the knee and his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. He wouldn't be looking at me either, he'd be studying the copious amount of mess surrounding where I sat with that annoying knowing look in his eyes.

I was sitting in the middle of my once-clean bedroom floor, now surrounded by mounds of clothing and belongings higher than my head. Admittedly, it was a little pathetic, and I couldn't really blame Dan for his concern when I looked so helpless, but I could definitely still complain about it.

"Yes, and the first four you gave the wrong answer." He sneered, surprising me when he actually stepped into the room, walking toward me far enough that his colorful socks came into my line of view. Actually, upon closer inspection, those were definitely my colorful socks.

"I think I have it." I sighed, leaning back and carelessly collapsing into the laundry piled behind me. I sighed contently as I relaxed into the comfortable hold, my back starting to ache after sitting for so long. I'd put my packing off until the day of the trip, as one does, but I'd also put it off until the hour before I was supposed to leave. In a way, I was proud of my procrastination skills, because it wasn't exactly easy to do when I'd had Dan on my tail with his constant nagging all morning. But at the same time, it definitely wasn't making things easy for me, and I had a feeling I was going to be late for dinner with my family.

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