Chapter 11

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Hey guys! So this is Wakowalden's book and she said that it was okay if I took over so I'm going to start from where she left off. You have to go to her profile and read them. So without further adu I would like to present... CAR CRASH!!!
Sarah's POV
I can't believe my parents would do that! And here I thought my grandparents were bad. I wake up and realize I'm in the hospital wing. Can I seriously pass out more than I have? I get out of the bed and walk out the door. Nobody is here. Weird huh? I walk around and look in everyone's room, and even Blake's office! I mind link Blake.
"Where are you?" I asked

"You're up?" He replied.

"Yes now, where are you?"

"I'll be there soon!"

"Where is everyone else?"

"Bye!" He says quickly. I know that he doesn't want to talk about it so I just let it go. I was about to practice fighting when George stopped me. Ugh!! Why does he always interrupt at the worse moments? Just as I'm about to make few sandwiches Ben comes through the door.
"Where's Alpha Blake?!" He cried looking around.

"He'll be back in a little. Why?" I asked with a little fear. What if something happened? To him. Or even to someone else? What if the packs in danger?! You know what, I need to calm down. I'm probably am over exaggerating.

"Do you know how to hide your sent?"


"Think of werewolf's, then your sent and you don't need to know what it is, and then think of it being gone."

I quietly obeyed him and did as I was told. He was completely shocked. I just laughed. "Are you going to say something?" I say still chuckling.

He tried to speak but no words came out. Then Blake came bursting through the door looking very stressed out. "What happened?" I asked him. When he saw my brown sad eyes his look softened. "Nothing, it's fine. You learned how to hide your sent?" He asked trying to change the subject. I frowned. What was he hiding that he couldn't tell me? "Yep, I taught her!" Ben says looking as stressed out as Blake. What the heck was going on?

Then finally everyone started to show up little by little. When everyone got here Blake gave an order. "Get outside in 1 minute for training!" Blake said while everyone groaned. What was so bad about training?

I go upstairs and change into comfortable clothes. I go outside and wait for instruction.

"Okay everyone! 300 laps around the lake in wolf form! Go!" Blake ordered and everybody started running. Everyone except me. I looked at him. "You have to run too you know?" He told me. "How am I suppose to run that much?!" I replied back swinging my hands in frustration. He looked at me. "Go now!" He says in his Alpha tone. I pushed back a little. "Ye-" I stopped myself. "No! You do them with me or I'm not doing them at all!" I say crossing my arms like a child. He looked at me in shocked.
Blake's POV
I stand there in shock. Isn't she supposed to listen to me when I use my alpha tone? She was going to go do it but somehow she managed push through my order. How is that possible? "I said run!" I say in a louder Alpha tone. She finches a little but stands back up strong. "And I said do them with me!" She says in her Alpha tone. "Yes! Fine! I'll run." I said a little upset. "I told you that because I'm not use to my wolf form and I would like to get through this with my loving mate who will never leave my side!" She says hoping I'll change my mind. I sigh in defeat. "Okay. I will." I say. "Let's go!" She screams going behind a tree to shift. She starts to walk. We go to the starting spot and she mind links me.

"I'm tired!" She complains.

"You'll need to get used to running in you're wolf form."

And with that she's running faster than I could ever go.

When she finished she was the first one done and she even started late. She goes back behind the tree and shifts. She's breathing really heavily. "That... was the hardest... thing... I've had to do... in my life!" She cries in between catching her breath.

"You ran faster than anyone else!!! Even me!!" I exclaimed going be hind a tree to shift. "Are you jealous?" She says with a smirk.
"No!" I lie quickly. Of course I'm a little jealous. I mean this is her first time running, and there was a delay, and she was the first done. "Sure!" She says sarcastically. "What's next?" She adds still out of breath. "Are you sure you don't want to take a break? You ran faster than anyone else on your first time!" I said a little worried. I didn't want her to over do it. "You said I have to do what everyone else does! So let me at it!" She says enthusiastically. "Ok then. But let's wait for everyone else."
Honestly I was a little nervous to know what she's capable of.
Hey guys! So I know I'm nothing compared to wackowalden herself but how do you like? I know this chapter is really short. About 900 words. A little less but I'll try to make them Longer in the future. I just wanted to get at least one up really quickly.

Anyways, I think that's really all. So...
Peace On The Streets
     Goodbye Little Stars

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