chapter 15 part 2

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Before I start this book I would like to thank Mapleoak20031sweetpeawhit , and wackowalden for all their support, helping me with ideas, voting and commenting! So this is kinda like a shout out for them. If you are someone who commented or voted, please tell me and I will give you a shout out next chapter!


Sarah's POV

This is all too good to be true! I'm so happy that everything is finally good in my life! I have a parent who finally cares, a boyfriend who just claimed my best friend and I as the second Alpha and Beta, and I found my sister, I never have to live with me grandparents again, and school was coming up so I could finally get a social life with my new look!

yep, life was good.

I go up to my room and get ready for bed. i got a day bed with a pull out extra bed so Lilly can sleep with me too. I gave her some pajamas and told her to go and take a bath.

"Good night Lilly!" I say a little too perky

she chuckles, "Night!"

And with that, i turn off the lamp and fall into a nice peaceful sleep.


I heard a loud crash. I woke up to see Lilly with a white cloth around her mouth and her hands and feet tied together. i was about to go help her when i felt something breathing down my neck. i acted like i didn't know anything and continued to do what i was doing. Once I lay my hand on her I heard the trigger of a gun. i smirked knowing Lilly could see it the other person can't.

I elbowed the person in the stomach as I pulled his arm and flipped him over, taking the gun from him in the process.

it was my dad.

"What the h*ll are you doing here!" I asked both angry and confused.

He smirked, "There was water at the end of the cliff."

"Get out before I shoot you!" I demand

"You wouldn't hurt a fly!"

i raised the gun to his head. "You really think that?" I asked innocently.


All of the sudden my door bursts open and when I look to see Blake running to me, my dad took the gun out of my hand and shot him. He was shot in the arm. He fell to the ground in pain as he tried to get back up, but failed.

I see Jake, Tony, and Ben walk by as I thought that my dad was probably going to take her back.

"Guys! Get my mom and Lilly far away now!" I ordered quickly.

"I don't th-" Ben starts but I cut him off.

"NOW!" i screamed in my Alpha tone.

Quickly, they ran to get Lilly and started to walk out when Ben whispered something to Jake. Jake stood next to me and i shrugged. I cloud visibly see the amount of fear wipe off his face when i didn't care that her went. I mean, at least two guys were going to get my family out of her quickly and safely. I didn't mind someone here to help me although i should...

"you shouldn't put more of the pack in danger!" my wolf scowled.

I mentally roll my eyes, "who's going to help me 'cause I'm sure as h*ll it's not going to be a injured, crying, Blake!"

"Part of being a leader is sacrifice..."

I ignored her after that. She was talking bull crap! The only people who are going to get hurt are the people who cant trust that I can handle myself.

He aimed the bullet at me. More specifically to me heart.

"If I can't have you to help me, then nothing, not even Mother Earth can have you living in their presents!" Dad yells.

"Kill try to kill your own daughter! See what happens! I dare you!" I threaten.

He just smirks. "As u wish!"

I give Jake a look that says 'get near me and you'll never here the end of it' and her stiffens.

I hear the trigger be Pulled.


I fell down purposely, flat on my back as I slid across the floor toward him. Taking the gun I pull my arm around his neck choking him with the gun against his head.

"You really think I'm that weak, you did train me to do bad things. Isn't killing your own father bad?" I smirked innocently.

He reaches for something in his pocket. Once I realized what it was, it was too late. He had already hit me with the toxin.

I felt a sharp pain go into my leg where he injected as he commanded.


The gun went in the air as well as my hand.

"Gun head!"

My hand took the gun up to my head. He smirked. I realized what he was doing. If he killed me he would go to jail. If I killed myself, everyone would be fine... Except me.


"Jake help me! Get the gun and shoot him!" I ordered.

He just stood there shocked.

Before I knew it the final word came out...


I tried to keep it away for as long as I could. I tried shooting somewhere else. I couldn't move anything but the finger to shoot. Was this really the end of me?

Out of no where Zoe comes in and moves the gun making is shoot twice into my leg as I fell to the floor. I fell on my leg in the worse position possible, as Zoe lands on my leg causing my to hear something snap.

I screamed for more than one reason.

1: my boyfriend, my mate, got shot.
2: Lilly and mom might not be okay
3: everyone was put in danger because my on was here
4: two bullets went straight to my leg.
5: I hit my head
6: I just broke my leg.

I sat there on the floor crying as Zoe was helping me out. I tried to get up but quickly went down again.

Dad got the gun again as I brought fire to his face.

Not my best idea because after that everything went black.

The last thing I remembered was Zoe laughing as we won the battle but came over to me crying.

I remember lots of blood and Jake getting Blake.

Then, I passed out.
Yo peeps SRRY it took so long. I needed some more ideas. Thankfully I got one.

Maybe the mom tries to kill her? Idk

So I turned it into this. Thank you so much if you are bothering to read this. And I already gave sweetpeawhit lots of glory considering she's by BFF

So peace on the streets
Goodbye little stars.
Bbb ooo Bbb

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