Chapter 18

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Sarah's POV
I was out with Lilly when I see Zoe looking for me. I run up to her and she breaths a sigh of relive.

"I was looking all over for you!" She cries

"Sorry, I needed time to cool off." I answer.

"You do know we're not crazy right. I mean, you have your memories of me, just not Blake."

"Yes, I know your not crazy, I just need time to relax and think about this."

"I understand. Really I do!"

"Thanks!" I say and give her a hug.

"Do you want to join us?" I offer

"Sure!" She responds.

We get her some ice cream and head over to back to the pack house.

When I come there I see Blake's knuckles bloody, his face droopy, and he friends are giving a worried look.

I get furious. My blood boils as I try to calm myself down.

It doesn't work.

"What the fvcking h*ll did you do to your self?!" I scream rushing over to him.

I grab a wet paper towel and clean the cuts.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have rejected you. I should've yell. I should've understood how confused you were!" He pleads.

"I appreciate that, but don't you ever do this again!" I yell.

I put some peroxide and she winces at the pain.

"You could've warned me!" He snaps.

"That would make it worse!" I snap back in my Alpha tone which shuts him up.

I bandage the cuts up and kiss it for good luck.

"Thanks." He says greatly.

I nod then look at Zoe. I gave her a look 'I want to be alone' and she grabs Blake's friends and they walk out the door.

I look at Blake. "I'm sorry."

He gives me a confused face, "for what?"

"Maybe if I could've played the battle better I would still remember you." I say tears in my eyes.

"That's not your fault!" He says strictly.

"Yes it is and so is that!" I yell pointing to his knuckles.

"I did that by my self-"

"Because of me!" Tears are streaming down my face.

"But you did nothing wrong!"

"And yet you still did that in thought of me!"

We were there for what seemed like hours in silents.

"It's not your fault." He says softly.

"But it is." I replied getting lost into his eyes.

I'm pretty sure my eyes were brown and red now.

I was sad that Blake did this to me.

I was mad that I couldn't remember all the things he's done to me.

His eyes closed as he leaned toward me.

My wolf kept saying, kiss him! Kiss him!

And that's just what I did.

I stopped breathless.

"Let's play 20 questions for me!" I suggested.


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