chapter 19

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Sarah's POV

I wake up to a HUGE hangover as memories started to flood back.

 I scream and run out of my room and into Blake's to see he's with a blonde girl in the bed passed out in only there underwear.

I slam the door and run out of the house. I went behind a tree and shifted holding my clothes in my jar as I ran.

I didn't know where I was going but I stopped to take a break at a river when I heard a branch snap.

I turned around and pounced faster than lighting to realize it was Tony.

"Tony you scared the crap out of me!" I screamed as I went to a tree to shift.

"Sorry!" He says already shifted.

I sat back down near the water and sighed.

"I'm sorry, but please don't be mad at me about last night." he pleads.

"What did you say to Blake last night?" I asked.

"I told him it wasn't any of our faults then he blamed it on me." he answers looking straight in the eye although I know he's lying.


"THAT IS!!!!" he yelled louder.




"im not!"

"no tony! stop lying to me and tell me the truth!"

"I told him it was his fault and walked away!" he says walking away from me.

I break down in tears as I lay down hiding my sent. Tony was the reason he cheated on me. Blake got drunk and it was all Tony and my fault. If I didn't get drunk and if he didn't make him believe that then he wouldn't have gotten depressed about it and break my heart.

I see fire in my hands as I throw it into the water angrily, I keep doing that until I finally calm down.

"Honey?" I hear someone call as I throw a fire ball by shock. In realization of who it was I run over and cry. Did I just kill my mom?

"ZOE!" I mindlink

"Whats wrong?"

"What happens if I throw a fireball at someone and it barely touches them and they fall and pass out?"

"They become in a coma and is they don't wake up in three days they die. Why?"

"just wondering for a training question. BYE!"

"wait-" but I block up my mind.

I'm so scared right now. I carry her and run super fast to the pack house quietly as I see Ben in the hospital wing.

"What happened?!"

"IgotmadatTonyandBlakesoiranawaythenshecamebehindmeandididntknowshewastheresoithewafireballlikeivebeendoingthewholetimeandenduphurtingherandZoesaysshesinacomaandifshedoesntwakeupinthreedaysshedies!!!!" I say super quickly.

it takes him a moment to realize what I said before his eye got wide and puts my mom on one of the beds.

Blake walks in the door and eyes me whats going on.

"Get out!" I yell.

"No! What happened?" He yells in his Alpha tone. so that's how he wants to play.

"I- no! get out of here and take Tony somewhere and bring Zoe up here now before we both know I can beat you up!" I yell in my Alpha tone.

He nods and mumbles a quick sorry before rushing out of the room.

I few seconds later Tony asked whats wrong.

I leave Zoe and Ben in the room as I close the door behind me and drag them by the ears outside.

"I don't know whats going on but you two need to shape up! I don't care what your problem was back there, but you don't walk away from me when im crying my eyes out in heartbreak and pain. We both know God d*mn well that you made Blake feel guilty and make him drunk sleeping with someone else! God, do you know what I did after you left! do you know what could've been resolved! I am here trying to bring someone out of a coma for God's sake! Shape up! And Blake I swear to God if you get drunk and sleep with someone again I will slap you senseless until you swear to me you wont do it again! Get it? Got it? Good! Now go somewhere together before I have to save another life!" I yelled and walked away. I saw them both in shock as they rushed after me. They stood behind me and didn't bother me.

I try to get her to wake up but it's no use.

"Im sorry both of us are, but why were you in my room? Did something happen?" Blake asks me.

"Yeah I got my memories back!" I yelled looking the other way tapping my foot.

"Im so sorry Sarah! I know this isn't a good excuse but I didn't know what to do! I was mad at myself for making him drunk!"

"Its fine just give me time to cool of, k?" I asked looking at both of them and they nodded.

Please come back!


HEY SO WHATCHA THINK!? im making a cast list so tell me if this is good. This is based on either how they act in there shows or how they look.

who is going to be:









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