chapter 16

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Zoe's POV
I can't believe it! We saved the day! I'm so excited. I am about to start doing my happy dance when I realized that Sarah was passed out. Hitting her dad took all the energy out of her.

I rushed over to her and mind-linked Ben,

"Get over to the hospital wing now!"

"I thought I had to take Sarah's family far way!"

"The dad is taken care of, now get over here before there is not Sarah and there is no Alpha!"

Before I could even pull Sarah up, Ben came with a hospital bed. Jake was helping Blake up, who was crying histaricly.

We rushed over to the hospital wing and hooked Sarah up to an oxegen tank. Jake was putting Blake on the other bed.

"We have to get her to stop bleeding!" I ordered, a tear escaping from my eye.

Ben nodded and started to take out the bullets.

"She's fine now, but in a coma." He says.

"When will she wake up?" I asked nervously.

He looks over at Jake who covered Blake's ears.

"I don't know but if she doesn't wake up in a about a week she might lose her memory, and if she looses her memory, she's going to loose her wolf."

"What happens if she looses her wolf?"

"She will either get a new wolf, with a new mate, or will loose her werewolf mode completely."

I looked at Blake who's ears were no longer covered, and he was in complete shock and devastation.

Ben and I look at Jake.

"Don't look at me, he fought and used his Alpha tone!" He defends.

"She might... forget me?" Blake asks, quietly.

I went over comphert Blake. He sobbed lightly into my shirt, but Ii didn't care. I knew how he felt, but I think I had it worse.

Blake's POV
I can't believe that she was going to forget me.

Stop thinking about the negitives! It might not happen! My wolf told me.

I cried into Zoe's shoulder, not caring what anyone else thought. After I was done I started to calm down.

I cleared my throat, "Isn't there anything we can do?" I asked Ben.

"Well, the only thing we could do is mind-link her, but she has her mind in a coma state." Ben replied.

"But she can still talk to us, right?" Zoe inturupted.

"Yes, if she talks to one of us, we can talk to her back, but once she feels like she doesn't want to talk we can't get past that barrier." Ben responded. "But I don't think we want her to do that too much."

"Why?" I asked quickly.

"Because it would take longer for her to wake up." Zoe replied

"But wouldn't it help her not loose her memory?" Jake asked.

"Yes, but there has never been someone who can mind-link in a coma, therefore, nobody knows truly what the outcome will be when she a-wakes." Ben answers.

"Bull- sh*t!" I yell and walk out and went into my office to clear my head.

This was all my fault. Sarah would have shot her dad instead of getting distracted by me!

"Like the way she did to her mother!?" My wolf argued.

"But her mom didn't try to kill her in her sleep, he did! She wouldn't have given mercy!"

"Humans... Why do we get paired with them?"

"Because the moon goddess said so, so suck it up and deal with it!"

I ignored my wolf after that. How dare he insult my intellagents! I know Sarah, and I know what she would've done! Its all my fault.

I hear heals come up to my desk, "Go away Zoe!" I yell

"I know what your thinking, it's not ur fault."

"How would you know!?" I yell, not having the strength to use my Alpha tone.

"It's... Happened to me before..." She replies

"What do you mean?"

"I was a horrible daughter, persistent about everything and anything and if I didn't get what I wanted I would throw the biggest tantrums. I would go to sleep when I had to stay awake, and stay awake when I had to go to sleep. And it's not like I was doing it on accident, I knew what I was doing and where it was going to get me. When I got older I started to push my parents away, and yell and blame everything on my brother. My friends tried to warn me but did I listen? No! I yelled at them and kicked them out of the house. My mum tried to help but I yelled at her and threw my jewelry at her. A week later they disappeared before I woke up only to turn on the news to see their flight to Canada had crashed and they have died." She paused for a moment, "not only did that happen, but when I needed my friends most they slammed the door on me, and that's when I met you and you helped me get through my first shift." She finished looking down.

"That explains why you were so depressed the first few days!" I say.

"Exactly!" She says sadly.

"I'm so so-"

"Anyways, it's not your fault! You tried to help, you kept the battle going long enough so that I could get there, she persevered through that battle for you!" She says cutting me off

Then she walks out.
Hello lovelies!
I'm so sorry for not updating. I just moved so I was unpacking and I just got wifi today. I write these books on my iPod touch, 5th generation so...

    Peace on the streets
         Goodbye little stars

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