Chapter 23

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Sarah's POV
I wake up in my old bed, with Lilly next to me. There's a catch; it's my grandparents house. I look over to her dark eyes staring in the opposite direction mind-linking. I know she's p*ssed off about Blake. She turns and looks at me with glossy eyes as she pounces on me and starts to cry.

"It's okay, Lilly, calm down. I'm okay!" I say rubbing her back while she's on my lap.

The door barges open and I see Nora with a big wooden spoon.

"You just couldn't stay out of trouble for one year, could Ya?!" She yells and starts snaking me in the butt.

"If you haven't realized, dear grandma Nora, paddling was with the dinosaurs, I know your old and everything, but keep up!" Lilly speaks up, smirking. Gotta love this kid.

Nora inches towards her as I run in between growling lowly. "Back. Away. From. Her." I demand in an Alpha tone.

She backs away cautiously, still seeming strong. "I see you've learned what you are!" She replies, definitely not afraid.

"I will not hesitate to kill you!" I warned. Before she could answer, mom comes in my room.

"I think it's time to give me back my house Nora!" Mom says, more like demands.

"Marget! I see you've come to your senses, I'll be happy to leave... In exchange for one of your daughters," She smirks evilly. "Let's see, I think I want one that I can raise Someone young. Do you know where I can find a young girl?" She steps dangerously close to Lilly and that's when I lost it.

I killed Nora. Switching into my wolf, I pounced onto her, I claw her into shreds no one daring to stop me.

I switch back and put on some clothes and Blake comes rushing into the room.

While Lilly growls, I run to him crying. "I'm so.." I start but end up chocking at the end.

"No! I got out of hand. We both did. I shouldn't have reacted like that! God damnet I was so worried!"

"Ok!" I say after I sober up. "We need to attack!" I conclude. "Denver needs to pay."

"You need to rest." Ben informs me, walking in.

I groan loudly. "I don't wanna rest! I need to kill Denver!"

They hesitate at first but after seeing my black eyes they all nod at once as we decided on a plan to get back on Denver for everything he's done.

"I could also ask Aldrin for any signs of weaknesses if you want? That way we'd know about our antagonist."

I look at her and smile, " Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Well done, Lilly. Go and do that now. Meet me back here ASAP."

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