Chapter 13

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Warning! Read at your own risk!!! There is some cursing even if it is somewhat covered up in the chapter! Sorry, and just to let you guys know I don't really curse in real life so don't think I'm some kind of out of control teenager!! That's all! Enjoy.

Sarah's POV
I run up to Blake. "You're awake!" I scream and run over to him hugging him. Then I start lightly hitting him on the stomach, "Don't. Ever. Scare. Me. Like. That. Again!" He chuckled lightly. "Is that supposed to hurt?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

I pout, crossing my hands over my chest, stomping my foot on the ground. He just chuckles. "Now come on! We need to go talk to my sister, then feed Susan!" I ordered, pointing to his stomach that just growled.

"I'm surprised you remembered that!" He exclaimed

"Stop distracting me!"

"How am I being distracting? Your the one who keeps naming stomachs!"

"See your doing it again!"

"Doing what!"

"Distracting me!"

He sighed while I smiled at victory. He walks out and I follow graving a picture of me with my grandparents before we get there. He bangs hard in the door and there is no responds. I wonder why she's not answering? Then I realized, I was suppose to knock 7 times. I tried to tell Blake but he would listen to me. He started to kick the door and I heard a soft whimper. I finally had enough. He was not going to hurt my sister when she just go here. "BLAKE STOP IT! You're scaring her!" I pleaded my eyes now red. He gave me a sympathetic look but I ignored him knocking 7 times and she opened the door slowly.

I rushed to her and hugged her. I gave her the picture and she hugged it. "My grandparents!" He stated.

I nodded, "Our grandparents!" I corrected.

"Grandma never liked me!" She stated sadly.

"Don't worry, she doesn't like me either. She was going to make me eat lasagna from last Christmas! Thank God I have a car!" I exclaimed making her laugh.

"Can I keep this picture?" She asked

I smiled, "Of course you can!" I said as a tear fell down my face.

I kicked Blake in the shin. "Be nice! I'm going to go get Zoe so we can find out where she stands! Don't do anything stupid!" I say and walk out of the room.

Blake's POV
"So what's your name?" I asked but she didn't look at me. She didn't answer. Why?

"What's your name?" I said in my Alpha voice. She finches but still didn't listen. Was she mind linking. She seemed every focused. I don't know what happened but something took over me. I hate being ignored.

"What's your name?!" I screamed as I pinned her to the wall. I was about to reach for her neck when I heard someone scream.

"What in the h*ll are you doing?! Get your bloody hands of my sister you, son of a b*tch!" I turn around to see a very p*ssed off Sarah. She rushes over to her. Her eyes are pitched read.

"I- I'm so- so sorry- Sarah!" I choked out. I was the Alpha and even I was scared of her when she was mad.

I guess apologizing made it worse because her eyes were now black, cold, and heartless as she turned to me and pinned me against the wall. "I swear to God, Blake, if you ever lay a hand on her again, you will need at least 10 people in that hospital wing to make sure you don't die when I'm done with you! Do you understand!?" She screamed the screams of all screams.

I was literally terrified. Me, the Alpha. "Y-yes!" I choked out again. She let me go off the wall by pushing my so hard I think my butt got bruises. My wolf howled in pain of what she just did causing a single tear to come out of my eye, but no more

For a slight moment I saw brown eyes. Sad eyes. But they quickly turned red again as she remembered what I did. I was a horrible Alpha.

As they walked out I tried to grab Sarah's arm to talk to her but she blew me with her wind element making me hit my head as she walked out. Before Zoe left with her she gave me a look that said 'you messed up big time'.

I growled in anger and stated to punch the wall until blood came out. Surprised at my actions I felt a few tears come down my eyes.

"Fvck!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. What got over me?

Then Ben started rushing in with a worried expression.

"What the h*ll happened?!" He asked.

"I fvcked up big time!" I said and he took me to the hospital wing to get bandages for my hands.

"Now tell me what happened?" He asked calmly.

And I started to tell the story.

Sarah's POV
I can't believe he did that. Zoe was carrying my sister because i was scared I was going to hurt her. I was stomping really loud crying up a storm when Ben tried to talk to me. All I could do was growl.

"Talk to your Alpha about how to treat my family!!!" I yelled before pushing him out of my way.

I did feel a little bad, I mean, he didn't do anything. When I was finally calmed down I got us some ice cream as we explained to my sister everything, to how powerful I am, to what our parents did. I learned that her name was Emily. She was 8 years old and knew more about me than I did. Apparently, she was very noise. She didn't know who our parents were talking about but she heard there conversation. I guess she's going to have to teach me some stuff.


Sorry about the cursing guys. Do you think they should go to school? Maybe we could find some nice drama there to spice up the story. Let me know what you guys thing in the comments! If you have any idea, I'm all ears!

So anyways,
Peace on the Streets
Good bye little stars!

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