The Final Battle

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"Okay! I need weaknesses! Strength! Personal life! And the same to us!" I say running back and forth.

"He talks all the time in his office about his mate gone missing." Aldrin reports.

"That explains the cold heart and woman abuse."

"He's not good at fighting. If we can get past his warriors, we can get him." Blake says.

"Easy enough."

"He might have a trap for us though." Zoe adds.

"Ooh, I think we found our problem area. I need predictions ASAP at tomorrow's meeting. Till then let's just enjoy the day."

I go up to my room and lock it. I sit on my bed and think about what we're doing.

I feel someone coming. I sense it. I don't know who, nor when, but I know it's coming. I mind link Blake:

S: I think someone's coming

B: when?

S: I don't know

B: don't worry, just get some sleep.

S: Blake?

B: yes Sarah?

S: no matter what happens during or before this plan; stick to it with your life. No matter who dies, no matter who gets kidnapped, do not add to it. If something happens during it. I can get revenge in another plan. Promise me?

B: but what if something happens to you?

S: something has already happened. A part of Lilly is gone and I can sense it. That wolfs honor is breaking her up on the inside little by little. And that's enough to put me through hell. No matter what we have to go through with this plan.

B: I promise Sarah, as long as you promise to be careful.

S: I will. Make sure the others know the plan.

B: I will. Good night, love.

S: night.

And with that, I set off to sleep.


Running into the woods the man with a cloth chases me. I know it's Chlorophyl. Closing my eyes, I switch into my wolf form and take off. Tripping on a tree branch sending me flying to the same place I threw my father off of. The ledge starts to break as the mysterious guy catches up in his wolf form. I jump but never hit the bottom. "Your not getting away that easily!" A voice booms as if it were coming from the sky. I open my eyes and I'm falling in darkness. Men surround me as I start scream my lungs out till my little hearts content. Which kinda never happens. They inch toward and try to---

"Sarah! Please wake up!" Black yells.

I see I'm banging on the front door trying to break through. There's already a crack in the door. Slide down and start crying and hyperventilating. Blake rushes to my aid and I hold onto him like my life depended on it.

"They almost had me!" I whispered, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Who?" He responds worried.

I close my eyes and shake my head. Just then, these guys come in through the windows and sure enough here was one guy with a white cloth.

"Go to Denver's territory! But be alert for a trap!" I yell.

"Are you crazy?!" Lilly screams.


We are all running and I see the guards up ahead. We defeat them and go up to Denver.

"What the hell! How did you get past them?" He screams startled.

"Does it matter?" I responded, my eyes black.

"I suppose not, seeming I'll kill you anyways. Oh! I see that your back Aldrin!"

Lilly steps in front of him and growls.

Denver growls back and I pounce. "Quit the nonsense!" I demand.

"To be honest, I like the position we're in." He smirks.

"I wouldn't rock the bed with your lonely ass even if my life depended on it."

"That can be arranged. But if you just give me Lilly you and everyone else will be free to go."

"I wouldn't-"

All of the sudden I was pulled back by ropes with a few thorns on them. I see everyone else is trapped too except for Lilly who was pinned to the wall with a knife next to her.

I growled lowly and dangerously.

"Let's play a game. You have 1 minute to give my your choice. For every 5 seconds the ropes around you get tighter and ever 10 the knife comes closer to her neck. Time up then you all die. If you struggle, it gets tighter."

He sets the timer on and I glare at him. I struggle and they get tighter. Each ten seconds the knife did get closer.

He speeds up on the neck and I growled loudly, and the ropes got tighter.

I used fire, water, wind, and earth all at once some how and struggled with that for a good minute. Before I started I saw Zoe but a shield around all of us.

Eventually I break free, grab the knife, and bring it up to his heart.

"Try me!" I growled.

"She's my mate! You kept my mate from me!" He yelled.

I laughed, "I wouldn't let you have her even if the moon goddess demanded it."

I heard the others gasp knowing I never say her name in vain. Without warning I stabbed him and everything stopped around me. Everything then went black.


Hey guys!!!! NEXT CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE THE LAST!!! Don't worry there will be a sequel coming up. Maybe.... sorry this chapter was short tho.

Peace on the streets
Goodbye little stars

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