Chapter 14

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Blake's POV
How am I going to fix this?

The question was bugging me all day! When the door opened I jumped straight up. It was Zoe and Sarah's sister, but...

"Where's Sarah?" I asked.

She just shrugged

"If you didn't know you would be freaking out!" I exclaimed.

She shrugged again.

Then a light bulb went off in my head. I knew how I was going to make this right!

"What's your name?" I asked Sarah's sister.

Zoe have her a look 'it's okay' and then she answered "Lilly!" She says quickly.

"Well Lilly, I'm truly sorry for what I did and how I acted. I guess I just hate being ignored and I don't know what came over me!" I explained.

Zoe scoffed, "It's called anger issues!"

"It's okay!" Lilly says and she gives me a hug.

I quickly let go. "As much as I would love to give you an apology hug, Sarah would kill me, weather I was her mate and the Alpha or not!"

"So the Alpha's scarred!?" She laughed

"Wouldn't you be too?! Did you see her black and red eyes! With her strength I was terrified!!" I exclaimed which made her laugh even more.

I could tell Zoe was mind linking, she was so concentrated.

"I mind linked Sarah and told her everything was fine. She's still upset so you have some explaining to do!" Zoe explains.

I nodded, "I have the perfect way!"

Sarah's POV
I was now in the forest running. I didn't know where I was going but it felt good. Then I smelled something following me. I turned around to see my mother.

She looked so much like me. She had a sympathetic look in her eyes as if she knew there was something wrong.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

I nodded, "Why do you care?!" I snapped

"I know you're mad and I'm really sorry! I'm not excepting you to forgive me right away but please think about it! I'll even make the promise, not terrorizing people!" She replied

"What did you do to Lilly?"

She sighed disappointed, " I did what I did to you! I tried to train her to help me! Can I talk to you somewhere? It's not safe on these wood, it's not our territory and I'm too weak!"

Then we heard a branch snap. I turned to see 3 wolfs from the blood moon midnight pack. I went behind a tree and shifted.

At first they flinched at how big my wolf is but quickly regained confidence.

I growled and attacked. When I was done I shifted back out of breath then Blake mind linked me.

"I need to talk to you!" He exclaimed.


"I need to make this right, plus you just got attacked are you okay?"

"Yes I am and Zoe told me everything was good between you guys so I'm not as mad but I'm still pretty ticked off! Also I'm out with someone so talk to me tonight. I'll be back later!"

And I bordered up my mind. I could tell he was trying but I ignored it.

We went to the Starbucks in the mall and sat down.

"Ok so, your father was a very handsome man who was always kind to me, that's why I married him. Something happened that he swore not to tell anyone, even me. Nobody knew what it was, but it changed him. He started to do bad things like the stuff you heard! He would blackmail me and force me to do what he wanted or he would kill you." She explained

"If I didn't do a believable job he would kill you. When your grandparents stole you I was furious and became more and more like your father. All this time I was killing innocent people to save you and they took you away from me!!" She continues a tear coming down from her eye.

"Mom you don't have to tell me. I believe you!" I tell her

"No, I've been hiding for too long. You deserve to know!"

I nodded

"The same thing your father did to you, training, I did to Lilly. It's not what anyone thinks though. I wanted to get you back."


"Yes Sarah?"

"I believe you!"

Blake's POV
Where was she?! She borders up her mind when she's done with the conversation. She's lucky. I can't border my mind up from her.

It was almost midnight when I saw her walk through the door.

"Everyone downstairs!" She exclaimed in her Alpha tone.

Two minutes later everyone was here and scared. She brought our biggest enemy.

"I can't make you guys understand but all of you have to trust me! We made an agreement! I know exactly what she did and why she did it! I can assure you there's nothing about her to be scared of! My father blackmailed her! She was trying to protect me! So all of you are to give her the same respect as you give me! She is the second strongest in this house!" She explained

"Alpha Blake is the strongest!" Someone shouted.

Sarah growled at him, "When I give an order there's no questions asked! Is it because I didn't use my Alpha tone to explain to you guys!?"

"She's right!" I started, "She is the strongest and now that her mother is here I'm third."

"In other words.... Puney!" Lilly yells

"Yes indeed sister! Yes indeed!" Sarah tell her back.

I glare at her and she growls. I flinched. Everyone looked shocked, and I don't blame them! Their Alpha, just flinched at someone who just found out about werewolfs.

"Then why isn't she the Alpha?!" Someone else yells

"Girls aren't allowed to be Alphas!" I snapped

"Why?" Zoe asked

"Because they're girls!" I exclaimed.

Sarah and Lilly growled at me, "Now your just being sexist!"

"That he is!" Ben yelled crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why do we have an Alpha who's sexist!?" Zoe yelled

"Enough!!!" Sarah yelled in her Alpha tone.

"All of you, next training are doing 20 suicides in human form along with normal routine!"

"Why should we listen to you?!" Some say.

"Because she's our second Alpha and Zoe is our second Beta!" I cut in.
Omg!!! Sarah is an Alpha. Zoe is a beta! This is so awesome!!!!

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