chapter 22

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Blakes POV
I can't believe I did this! Sarah has blood everywhere on her, bruises on neck, and I'm pretty sure that her leg aren't suppose to bend like that! And it's all my stupid, wolf's fault! ugh! I need to calm down but my wolf won't let me.

"Dude! What hell man?!" Jake screams pushing me.

"I couldn't do anything! You don't understand! My wolf took over! All I could do is watch me almost kill my mate!" I respond, tears pouring out of my eyes.

I know I'm the Alpha, suppose to be the strongest, but I don't think anyone is going to understand how that feels.

"Well, Sarah did HAVE to kill herself, thank the moon goddess Zoe was there! You were crying like a helpless little baby."

"Then why'd you try to kill Zoe, and if you didn't want Sarah to die why'd you try to kill her?!" I snap

"Technically, you never allowed me to take form, making it YOU the one who tried to kill them."

Oh my God! I'm a killer! Not just any killer! My mates killer!

Zoe's POV

"What's going on? Why is the wall broken?! Why is there so much blood?!! WHERES SARAH!!?" Lilly asks petrified.

"It's okay! That's mainly my blood and I stopped bleeding an hour ago!" I assure her. Obviously it's a lie, but I can't tell her the truth!

"No, no, no, no! You kept me locked in that room with Aldrin for 2 fricking hours! I'm not excepting lies!" She replies back.

I explain everything to her she turns pale. She turns her hands into fists, progressively gripping tighter as the seconds go by.

I was about to calm her down when she shifts into her wolf and charges at Blake. Knocking him down, she scratches his cheek and side of the stomach, beating him up. Basically trying to kill the sh*t out of him.

All of us were too shocked and honestly scared to stop her. Aldrin however pulled her off and calmed her down luckily. I swear she would've killed Blake.

Everyone in the pack house was watching us, wide-eyed.

Blake weakly growled at them to mind there own business as he stands up and walks out of the room.

"I want to see Sarah!" Lilly yells.

"Well Ben said-" I start, but was cut off by a lump in my throat, formed when she growled deeply.

We walk up stairs and into the hospital wing when Ben comes rushing out getting some supplies and goes into the room again.

Ben comes back out and asks, "What?"

"Let. Me. See. My. Sister!" Lilly lowly growls.

"I can't let that-" Ben starts but Lilly pins him to the wall by the neck.


I give him a warning look before he nods and opens the door.

I explain what happened as Lilly rushes to Sarah, tears in her eyes.

Ben stares in horror and shock when I'm finish, and we both exchange worried glances.

I remember reading about this!

"When two sisters, whom have either never met or haven't seen EACHOTHER for a dramatic time period they become stronger when the other is in danger!" I wispier.

Ben perks up and stares at me. We look at Aldrin who was watching Lilly and listening to us.

Lilly is stronger than we think!

"Damence!" Aldrin speaks up. "That's the illness!"

We all stand in shock and fear of what Lilly was capable of. She was DEFINITELY not stronger than Sarah but can be stronger than Blake at times.

Lilly cries as Blake enters the room. I drag him out by the ear and explain to him what's going on. Some serious sh*t is about to go down with Sarah.

"Ok, she will be fine in a few hours. Problem is that Blake will have to be far away from her meaning her grandparents house and might damage her wolf." Ben explains.

"What do you mean, damage!?" Blake growls.

"It means, her wolf will be trying to throw her self at you causing hell to break down in Sarah's mind. Also Sarah and her wolf will not trust you as much although seeming she can't be mad at you forever due to your bond, everything will be fine. Give it time." He assures with a smile

This is not going to be good.

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