Chapter 20

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Please read the a/n at the end!!!

Sarah's POV
By the second she was still sleeping. I shunned everyone out except Lilly.

It's around midnight and moms got   5 minutes to wake up.

"I'm so sorry. If I didn't get drunk Blake would've never got mad and Tony would've never blamed it ton him and he would never sleep with someone else and I would've ran away, got into a fight and almost kill you! I need you to wake up. I need you to. I can't live knowing I killed you! Please."
I say to her even though she can't hear me.

I hear something drop and I turn around to see Lilly's doll on the floor and she's staring at me, mouth wide open.

I was about to say something when she cut me off

"You did this?" Asked in a small voice. I looked at her guilty but didn't answer.

"You did this! How could you?!" She scream.

"Lilly if you just-"

"She changed! She's good! Why did you have to ruin this! For us! For you! For me! We could've had a normal life!" She screams and runs out the door.

I was about to go after her when I collapsed on the floor in tears.

Blake comes to my aid but I turn my back to him.

"Go away! I don't want to ruin your life when I've already ruined everyone else's!" I yell and run out the door to see where Lilly's going.

I saw her run out the door and I dart after her. She's fast but I'm faster.

She cuts the road and a car is coming her way.

I pushed her off onto the grass and we both landed.

I felt something pierce through my foot to see that it got ran over by the car.

Good thing it wasn't a truck or my foot would be off.

I yelled in pain, As lily runs again. I start hopping after her and fall several times.

She runs into the woods and when I get there she's in the hands of my dad's beta, Denver.

"Let go over her Denver!" I growl mindlinking Blake just incase for back up.

"No! I don't want to go with you!" Lilly yelled.

"Wolfs honor?" Denver smirked.

"You don't know how-" I start but she already broke me.

"Wolfs honor!" She promised.

"That's dads beta!" I yelled.

"Well we got to go..." He says and shifts and runs off.

I go into wolf form where my foot doesn't hurt and run after them to their pack house.

I can hear Lilly's faint 'I'm sorry's' as I keep running.

I'm attacked from all corners but is easily blocked and demolished.

The gate hits my head and I scoot back so I don't die but a part of me did.

I killed all the members who tried to kill me. And ran back furious.

I go into my room and change into some clothes then yelled, "Blake! They got Lilly! Denver has Lilly! We have to do something!"

He rushes in shocked but says, "okay but let's figure it out tomorrow. You need rest."

"No! I'm not sleeping until she's with me again!" I yelled back







"I have to go fix my foot."

I go up to the hospital wing to see mom standing there.

"MOM!" I scream and run up to her. "Denver has Lily, what are we going to do!"

"I don't know yet but we'll think of something."

"In so sorry, mom I didn't know it was you, it was a reflex and it was all my fault..."

"It's ok, I'm fine."

"How are you alive, it's been more than 3 days!?"

"That's the magic of me!" Ben yells coming into the room, "Now let's take care of your foot." I smile and sit on the bed.

Lilly's POV
I wake up and don't know where I am. I look around but it's pitch black. That's when it hit me, I ran away, I have wolfs honor, I did this to myself.

I whimpered a little till I heard someone open a door and light shun in the darken room.

I see two men, one young about my age and one older about Sarah's age. The oldest one walks up to me and slaps me hard.

I hear youngest one whimper that only a child could hear. Weird.

"Get up!" The oldest yells.

I do as he says and he kicks the back of my leg sending me back to the ground. I get up once more and look at the younger one. We both have sad eyes. Is he an elementalist? Is he trapped here too?

"Aldrin! Get the whip!" The oldest yells.

Who appears to be Aldrin goes over to the wall and sadly gets the whip. It is leather with thorns and glass shards.

He hands it to the oldest who whips me so hard I fall to the ground. Aldrin puts his hands over is mouth.

"Im so srry!" Aldrin mindlinks.

"We can get out together!" I tell him.


"Meet me here at 9:00 sharp. Sneak out! Trust me!"

He takes a deep breath, "okay! I'll do it!"

I silently cheer when the oldest yells, "Why aren't you in pain!?"

I look down to see that I am covered in blood and scratch marks. Aldrin put my mind off of it.

I just smirk, "Maybe I can take the pain!" And I kick him in the b*lls.

He falls to the floor and gets the whip when Aldrin screams, "Don't Cameron! She's had enough for today!"

They have a stare down before Cameron gives the whip to Aldrin.

"I am Aldrin, Denver's son. Even though he's the one who put you here, we are the ones who are going to get out!" Aldrin explains.

And he walks out. "I'll see you at 9."

So! Wut do u guys think! Srry I haven't uploaded in a while! Not a lot of peeps were reading so I decided to let the word go around a little! 

Peace on the streets
       Goodbye little stars
                      Tootles! Faith

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