Intro to Twitter

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A/N- Notice, these are not real @ names and plus some will be too long to be accepted in the real Twitter website. Just wanted to put that out there!


Gon Freecs has joined Twitter as @GonFreecs.

Killua Zoldyck has joined Twitter as @KilluaZoldyck.

Kurapika has joined Twitter as @KurapikaKurta.

Leorio has joined Twitter as @LeorioParadinight.


Gon Freecs
I'm ready to take that Hunter exam! :D
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Leorio Paradinight
I cannot believe you almost fell off the boat today! Do you realize you could have drowned?! @GonFreecs
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Kurapika- @LeorioParadinight @GonFreecs So true! If it hadn't been for me and Leorio, you'd be a goner!

Gon Freecs- @KurapikaKurta @LeorioParadinight I'm sorry! I'll be careful from now on!

Leorio Paradinight- @GonFreecs @KurapikaKurta Good! Now let's go take that exam!


Hisoka joined Twitter as @Hisoka


Some fool bumped into me and didn't apologize! How rude! I hope he enjoys his new life- armless!
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Random dude- @Hisoka Dude...

Hisoka- @RandomDude- What? Do you want to be next?

Random Dude- @Hisoka Aha no! I love my arms!

Hisoka- @RandomDude That's what I thought...


Leorio Paradinight
I can't believe that Tonpa guy tried giving us drinks with laxatives! WTF man!
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Gon Freecs- @LeorioParadinight Let it go, Leorio. As long as you didn't drink it, you're fine.

Kurapika- @GonFreecs @LeorioParadinight Gon's right. Tonpa really isn't worth your time so don't throw a fit over it, Leorio. What I find peculiar is how Killua drank what seems as two of those drinks and seemed fine.

Killua Zoldyck- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs @LeorioParadinight Lmao it's because I'm not really affected by poison at all. I mean I was constantly tortured that way so...

Tonpa- @KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs @LeorioParadinight So that's why you didn't have stomache pains!

Gon Freecs- @RookieCrusher @KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta @LeorioParadinight Really?! That's what it was supposed to do?! I thought it was just expired!

Kurapika- @GonFreecs @RookieCrusher @KilluaZoldyck @LeorioParadinight Gon...seriously...?

Killua Zoldyck- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs @RookieCrusher @LeorioParadinight I thought everyone already knew that...

Leorio Paradinight- @KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs @RookieCrusher Well apparently Gon didn't!

Gon Freecs- @LeorioParadinight @KilluaZoldyck @Kurapika @RookieCrusher ;-; GOSH DARN IT I'M SORRY!


Leorio Paradinight change his name to Leorio. (A/N- That's not a Twitter feature but why not?)

Killua Zoldyck changed his name to Killua.

Gon Freecs changed his name to Gon.


Ne, how old are you? @GonFreecs
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Gon- @KilluaZoldyck 12 c: You?

Killua- @GonFreecs Same.

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck Uwa...same age! What about you @KurapikaKurta?

Kurapika- @GonFreecs @KilluaZoldyck 17

Gon- @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck Oooh what about Leorio?

Leorio- @GonFreecs @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck 19

Gon, Kurapika, Killua- @LeorioParadinight SERIOUSLY?!

Leorio- @GonFreecs @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck HOW OLD DID YOU THINK I WAS?!

Gon- @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck Ehehe...30...

Leorio- @GonFreecs @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck ...*shoves beeadsticks into suitcase* SO DONE WITH YOU!! T~T
Leorio is now Offline. (Only adding that when they leave, not when they log on.)

Killua- @GonFreecs @KurapikaKurta And of course...breadsticks

Gon-@KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta I want some too Leorio!!
Gon is now offine.

Killua- @KurapikaKurta Shouldn't we tell him...?

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck He'll eventually find out...


Okay I tried! xD I'm making it short because I want to think of something else better to write about for the next chapter and I need feedback. Did you think this was good? Should they be on Twitter?

Killua: If we turn into addicts like you, then no.

No one asked you! Like and comment please! I need to know if this was good. And should I follow the anime or make up new plots for this? Or both? Please comment it!

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